Home » News » Recent Incidents of Israel Flag Vandalism in Baden-Württemberg: Updates and Police Investigation

Recent Incidents of Israel Flag Vandalism in Baden-Württemberg: Updates and Police Investigation

Rheinfelden/Fellbach (dpa/lsw) – In the past few days, Israel flags have been torn down, soiled or burned in several places in Baden-Württemberg. At the weekend, unknown persons removed a flag from a flagpole at the town hall in Rheinfelden (Lörrach district), as the police announced on Monday. Burnt remains of the flag were found nearby.

Two flags were also damaged in the Rems-Murr district: In Fellbach, unknown people are said to have torn down a four by one meter flag on Saturday, set it on fire and hung it up again on a lamppost. According to police, a flag was also stolen in Waiblingen.

In addition, unknown people threw eggs at an Israel flag that was hanging on the facade of a house belonging to the Protestant church community in Bad Säckingen (Waldshut district) over the weekend. According to police, a witness on Saturday saw a hooded person who fled when he was noticed. The pollution was reported on Sunday.

The police already reported such incidents last week: Unknown people are said to have burned a hole in an Israel flag in Stuttgart, and an Israeli flag was torn down from the town hall in Heilbronn. The incidents came amid the war between Israel and the Islamist Hamas.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:231016-99-586007/3

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