In the context of a routine examination of fruit rejected at GD, pool samples of fluid from the body cavities are examined for the PRRS and Parvo virus, while heart muscle tension is tested for Circo virus type 2. In addition, a bacterial culture is performed on the contents of the stomach and the heart and the placenta are examined histologically. If there are signs of myocarditis in the heart and the test for Circo virus type 2 is negative, it may be useful to test the heart muscle tissue for Circo virus type 3.
In the literature, Circo virus type 3 is associated with late pregnancy complications and additional stillbirths. Royal GD was recently involved in a rejection case in gilts and sows at a breeding farm. The sows showed no obvious illness, no fever, only a slight increase in temperature during farrowing. Two litters were submitted for research: five days and four weeks premature. Research showed that the rejection may have been caused by the Circo virus type 3.
There is no vaccine against Circo virus type 3 and no cross-protection is expected through vaccination against Circo virus type 2. On-farm measures should focus on appropriate quarantine of gilts. However, this case involved both gilts and sows, so it could also be a new disease. Since infection in the early stages of pregnancy is known to have a particularly negative effect, the infection in these animals probably occurred about two months ago. After a peak in abortions, the company became silent.
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2024-05-01 10:37:58
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