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Reborn as a Silkworm: An Unbelievable Transformation

Reborn as a silkworm This is not a question. But it’s true, I was truly reborn as a ‘silkworm’!!

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Reborn as a silkworm This is not a question. But it’s true, I was truly reborn as a ‘silkworm’!!

Come on, let’s follow Nong Non’s life together, hehe.

Secretly opening a new story again. Let’s write three stories together. Please follow and give me encouragement.

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Reborn as a silkworm This is not a question. But it’s true, I was actually reborn as a ‘silkworm’!! Advertisement – Continue reading the article below.

The little worm doesn’t dream.

The little worm doesn’t dream.

Uncomfortable, that was the first feeling when I tried to move. When it’s like something is covering the body Saying it’s a blanket isn’t right. Because the touch that is felt is not that soft. It still has hardness. But at the same time there is some flexibility.

But no matter how much I struggled, the things that bound my body to me never seemed to come loose.

‘Bite’ that was an instinctive feeling and it overcame thought. The mouth immediately began to move, biting and pulling at the things that were covering the body. When there are enough channels The body immediately began to crawl outside. Eyes that are still blurry But still enough to know the direction He immediately began to move closer to that thing. the sweetness of it This causes the mouth to open wide and begin biting and chewing.

sweet smell It cannot be compared to the sweet taste. Along with the scent of herbs, that enhances the flavor even more. It also helps increase appetite. It took quite a while before my stomach felt full. and with a sleepy personality After finishing eating, he lay down to sleep. Along with a belly that can clearly be felt very bloated. and began to feel a warm sensation in the pit of his stomach

‘You ate the Nine Heavenly Spirit Herbs. Unlock evolution conditions Estimated evolution time: 1 day. Start evolution from ‘Green Silk Worm’ can be changed to ‘Nine Spirits Heavenly Tree Silk Worm’.

An emotionless voice sounded in his thoughts. But before thinking of anything When the strange sound stopped The consciousness that had not yet been completely clear disappeared again.

I don’t know how much time has passed. Consciousness began to return. Thoughts began to become clearer. Memories began to flow back.

Boom! That voice still lingers in my memory. It’s like something that happened yesterday.

‘Car crashes’ are one of the most popular causes of death of all time, but if you were to ask if you were ‘sorry’, there would probably be some. Because he probably won’t have the chance to meet the people he loves again. But if asked if he had any regrets, he would definitely say ‘no’ because he was satisfied with everything he had done in his life. If his life that was drifting away could breathe life into another life that had just begun He himself is pleased.

‘I hope that child lives the rest of his life well.’



‘The evolution is complete. You can check it in the status window.’

The thoughts of the past were immediately brought back after hearing the mysterious sound again. And the feeling of discomfort like before had returned to the body again. But luckily this time, with just a few moves it was able to come off.

He quickly crawled out to escape his restraints. The eyes that were not clear before now began to see more clearly.

‘Hm, forest?’ Don’t tell me. After being hit, the driver dumped him in the forest because of his mistake. instead of sending to the hospital But thinking about it, it probably isn’t possible. Because he was very sure that he was dead. So what about your current condition? Does it hurt? It doesn’t when you try stretching or twisting your body. It can be done. And I feel like I can do better than before. It can almost rotate three hundred and sixty degrees.

I tried pushing with my hands to stand up but it didn’t work. Because I feel that my hands are very short-handed. But still he didn’t give up. Try to use your body to stretch up. It appears that it can be done easily. But when I stood, why did my perspective change only slightly?

Before starting to look down, inspect his own legs to see if he had stood up yet and found that his familiar two legs had now changed.

‘Ah!’ I cried out in shock. before his body lost control and collapsed. before rolling backwards Revealing the angles of the body that can be twisted and folded without stopping.

‘Worm!’ I lost consciousness for about an hour before it came back again. When thoughts begin to return I began to explore myself again. And it can be concluded that I was born again. Even if your mind still doesn’t accept the truth.

Oh, earlier the mysterious voice said you could check your status.

‘Status Window’ At the end of the command, a clear window appeared in midair. with strange letters inside that I can read automatically

Name : None

Race: Nine-Spirit Heavenly Tree Silk Worm

Although there are many more details below. But the only word that enters my brain right now is only the word silkworm.

‘I really have turned into a worm.’

Am I reborn as a worm!? This is not a question. But it’s true, I was truly reborn as a ‘silkworm’.

Talk at the end of the episode

Let me try dropping the first part first. What does everyone think? Please tell me in the comments.

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