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“Rebel Moon – Director’s Cut”: Do naked skin and lots of blood make a film better?

Zack Snyder wants to try again! After the mostly bad reviews of his space epic “Rebel Moon”, the 58-year-old is now following up with two director’s cuts. A longer running time, lots of bare skin and spurting blood should do the trick.

It was supposed to be a “Star Wars” for Netflix, a space epic that is unparalleled. Perhaps a franchise that can be exploited for years, similar to the George Lucas universe. But what the streaming world got with Zack Snyder’s vision of a space opera was a disappointment for many: simplistic characters, an inflated visual style and a story that couldn’t have been more hackneyed.

But Zack Snyder is not one to give up easily. The “Watchmen” director is going one step further. The “Rebel Moon – Director’s Cuts” feature lots of bare skin, spurting blood and an enormous running time. But this “Rebel Moon” is also light years away from the Snyder masterpiece that was hoped for. In its defense, however, it should be mentioned that the film now fits better into the overall work of the polarizing director.

A detailed review of “Rebel Moon – Director’s Cut” by Ronny Rüsch and Axel Max – now in a new episode of the ntv podcast “Oscars & Raspberry”. Also included: the anime film “The First Slam Dunk”, the thriller “The Royal Hotel” and the science fiction action film “Planet of the Apes: New Kingdom”.

”Oscars & Raspberries”

Every Friday, Ronny Rüsch presents “Oscars & Raspberry”, the ntv podcast about streaming. Informative. Entertaining. Compact. In the ntv app, at RTL+ Music, Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

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