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Rebel Moon 2 – review. It’s better to watch Star Wars for the hundredth time

The second part of “Rebel Moon” is now available on Netflix and some people certainly hoped that the sequel would be better. How does Zack Snyder’s second film fare in this universe?

The premise of the Rebel Moon universe is not inappropriate. At first glance, everything seems to be in place here, because we are dealing with a classic story about the fight between good and evil. In addition, the main character is not as noble and crystal clear as it might seem, because she has served in the Motherland and lost many lives on her conscience. It’s a nice change from the quiet, calm and fully composed heroes who led the rebels in other films.

Rebel Moon Review – Part 2: Dealing Wounds

Kora (Sofia Boutella), however, is not an interesting enough character to make us really intrigued by her past and choices. The first film didn’t reveal much, the second slightly improves it, but I wouldn’t see her as someone who would be a magnet for viewers in this story at all. So I eagerly started my search while watching the second part of “Rebel Moon”, but it was difficult for me to establish any relationship with even one of the characters. Additionally, even if I didn’t know that both parts were shot simultaneously, the first few minutes would be enough to confirm this belief. This is both a serious disadvantage and an advantage of “Rebel Moon: Part 2 – Dealing Wounds”.

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The film’s problem remains its extremely serious tone. The combination of slow motion scenes, pathetic music and solemn slogans in the characters’ mouths reminds me of “Batman V Superman”, where it also only partially succeeded. There are moments when I actually realize the dire situation that the Veldt farmers find themselves in as they prepare to defend themselves against the Motherland’s invasion, but Zack Snyder couldn’t keep his temper in check and goes too far too often. Then it brings only disadvantages, because too much slow-mo and snooty tone makes everyone roll their eyes while staring at the screen.

Was there a need for two Rebel Moon movies?

The director of “300” and “Man of Steel” has shown that he can make good films, but both “Rebel Moon” films lack the right balance. To be completely honest, when preparing a review of the second part, I could copy a large part of the text from Patryk’s review of the first part and it would be enough to change the title of the film in the appropriate places.

If this is good news for someone, then yes – both productions are visually consistent and exude the same atmosphere. Splitting this story into two feature-length films may not have been a good decision, because perhaps with the two-hour limit, Snyder would have been able to avoid some unnecessary lengths and tell his story more effectively. This is clearly demonstrated by the third act of the second part, which is really successful, but before we get to it, some viewers will give up on the show. Some people will think that without proper foundations the finale would not be so impressive, but I will stick to the opinion that this time one 2:30-long film would have worked better than two full-length productions.

At times I also had the impression that I was experiencing the same events again, but overall the film managed to expand the universe a bit more than its predecessor, especially thanks to the threads devoted to individual characters. However, “Rebel Moon: Part 2 – Inflicting Wounds” doesn’t add as much to Zack Snyder’s universe as I had hoped, so for most of the viewing I couldn’t stop asking myself the same question: will the director’s cut, like “Justice League”, be she could sound much better and really drew me in.

What’s next for the Rebel Moon universe?

Assuming that the two parts of “Rebel Moon” will receive extended and more brutal versions, there is a chance that this world will gain more color and allow viewers to go beyond the rigid framework of the films currently available. This would be a welcome opportunity, because visually “Rebel Moon” can provide good impressions – some sequences are spectacular and pleasing to the eye, even if there is also a sharp exaggeration of slow motion. The same applied to the first part, but in the second part the main battle and the last act are a lot of fun and even leave a good impression.

Nevertheless, just as Netflix’s “Gray Man” was not as good as James Bond, “Rebel Moon” will not even shake the position of “Star Wars”. The question is: after these two premieres, are all the spin-offs, series, animations and games that Zack Snyder talked about still on the way?

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