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Reasons Why Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle Is Difficult

Environmentally friendly lifestyle is now being promoted as an effort to overcome various environmental problems. Many slogans, seminars, and discussions were held to foster this new lifestyle trend.

But some people who want to get started tend to have the following obstacles and thoughts:

1. Many people think that an eco-friendly lifestyle means that they have to make big changes to their behavior

People tend to be afraid to start something that could exceed their expectations. In fact this can be done without having to make a big change, because even a small change will mean a lot. Especially if it is done at once by many people.

IEC or Indonesia Environment & Energy Center in its article said that an example of small things that can be done is reducing the carbon footprint. If the carbon footprint is reduced by only half a percent, then this small action can reduce emissions by around 1.9 million metric tons of the total carbon produced by about 115,000 residents.

2. Economic constraints (price of environmentally friendly products)

Environmentally friendly products have a higher price than similar products that are less environmentally friendly. This is because production requires more effort and capital.

Professor Grimer of the University of Tanzania, said that ‘ethical crisis point‘ and economic constraints cause consumers to tend to choose products with relatively cheaper prices, and ignore the fact that these products cause environmental damage. Both the content of the product itself and the production process carried out by the company.

3. The market for environmentally friendly products is not wide

There is a high gap between the market for green products and their demand. Professor Grimmer said that generally the market share of environmentally friendly products could only reach 3 percent of the overall percentage of the same product.

Maybe in a market survey, enthusiasts of environmentally friendly products can reach high numbers. However, there are many people who say that they have the intention to start an eco-friendly lifestyle but do not follow through on that intention.

4. Effect of lifestyle incentives and environmental awareness

There is no encouragement within the community to preserve the beauty of the environment, the demand for clean living, the desire to be an example for others, and other incentives that can start people to change their lifestyle. Likewise with the weak environmental awareness of this so that there is no social control as part of the function of society.

5. Less binding rules

An environmentally friendly lifestyle can actually be enforced by applying binding regulations. For example, it is forbidden to litter, advice on the use of products recycle, rules for sorting waste, restrictions on emission vehicles and others. But unfortunately there are no regulations that are really binding as an effort to enforce this problem.

Environmentally friendly lifestyle is indeed an issue that is not easy to do. But we can start by spreading the energy and synergy of millennials in campaigning for this lifestyle.

Let’s start from small things by getting used to discipline in obeying the rules and norms of society regarding this matter. And of course it takes the contribution of many people to be able to do it.

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