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Reasons for Effortless Approaches – 7 Diseases Revealed

I wrote – Nada Sami:

It’s normal to feel faint during strenuous physical activity, but when you’re at rest it’s a cause for concern, as it’s often a warning sign of a variety of illnesses.

In the next report, The Consulto examines the reasons for the two approaches while resting, according to Medical News Today.

Causes of two approaches during rest

1- Anemia

The two approaches at rest can indicate iron deficiency anemia, especially if accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, rapid heart rate, dizziness and nausea.

Read also: What is the relationship between anemia and heart disease?

2- Heart disease

Sometimes, the two effortless approaches warn of the risk of developing a disease that adversely affects the efficiency of blood circulation in the body, such as heart failure or clogged arteries.

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3- Low blood pressure

One of the most important diseases that cause sleep during rest, as well as dizziness and a feeling of fatigue with the slightest effort, and can lead to loss of consciousness, due to lack of oxygen-laden blood flow to the brain .

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4- Take some medications

It is possible that the two approaches while resting are a side effect of some medications, such as antidepressants and sedative pills, so you should take care to read the medication label or ask your doctor about the possible side effects of the treatments he prescribes.

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5- Blood clots

If the two effortless approaches coincide with chest pain, heavy sweating, fatigue, fatigue, and shoulder pain, that’s evidence of a blood clot somewhere near the heart or lung.

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6- Electrocardiogram imbalance

A disease that causes the heart to beat faster than normal, the symptoms of which include “two approaches while resting, chest pain and inability to breathe normally.”

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7-Anxiety Disorder

The two approaches during rest have psychological dimensions, because patients with anxiety disorder are among the categories who suffer from it constantly, in addition to excessive sweating, breathing difficulties, dizziness and panic attacks.

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8- Chest sensitivity

A chronic disease whose symptoms become more severe in the winter and spring seasons and when exposed to certain allergens, such as dust, perfumes and pollen.

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