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Reasonable Side Effects Occur After the Covid-19 Vaccination

KONTAN.CO.ID – Some people have reported experiencing certain symptoms of side effects after getting the Covid-19 vaccination. Is it normal for these symptoms to appear? So what are the unusual symptoms that occur after the vaccine?

Quote from Public Health MinistryVaccine is a biological product containing antigens in the form of microorganisms or substances that have been produced and processed in such a way.

When given to a person, then that person can be actively immune to certain diseases.

Vaccination itself is a process by which a person becomes immune from a disease. If one day the person is exposed to the disease, then he will only feel mild symptoms or even no pain at all.

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According to the WHO in who.intSome of the side effects felt by those who were injected with the vaccine were soreness at the injection site, fever, headache, chills, diarrhea, chills.

The side effects referred to by WHO are in line with the results of tests conducted by the Covid-19 Vaccine Clinical Trial Research Team from Padjadjaran University which stated that the side effects after being vaccinated were mild.

These effects may differ depending on what vaccine is given.

The side effects above can last or even appear after the next 24 hours. If the pain due to mild side effects is felt for more than 3 days, you are expected to immediately report it to the relevant medical officer.

However, if there are excessive side effects such as shortness of breath, loss of ability to speak, confusion, or other effects, you are also obliged to report this to medical personnel for immediate monitoring.

Another side effect that is not normal and reported to WHO is anaphylaxis.

Anaphylaxis itself is a severe symptom reaction experienced by the body’s immune system due to allergies in the form of shock due to the sudden appearance of allergies. These symptoms are reported to be very rare.

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Tested positive after vaccination

In certain circumstances, you may find vaccine recipients who test positive for Covid-19. This symptom is not a side effect after the vaccination process.

According to the explanation from the Ministry of Health that MomsMoney quoted via sehatnegeriku.kemkes.go.id, antibodies do not form shortly after the body receives the vaccine. The antibodies from the vaccine take time to make the body immune to the virus.

Unfortunately, many people have a misunderstanding about this. They thought that after being vaccinated, they could go out and gather around.

In fact, Prof. Hindra as the Head of the National Commission for Post-Immunization Follow-Up said that the new immune system will be formed after 28 days from the second Covid-19 vaccine injection process.

The process of increasing immunity after the first vaccination is very unlikely. Much more effective about a month after the second vaccination.

The occurrence of positive cases is considered a side effect of the vaccination itself is not true. The truth is that the procedure is ignored due to feeling that the body is already immune to Covid-19 after being vaccinated.

Once again, the vaccine has been declared safe and has been tested through standard processes and safety by WHO. However, keep in mind to always comply with health protocols even though you have been vaccinated. This is related to the immune system which cannot be formed immediately, but takes time.

If you ignore it, it is not impossible that you will get Covid-19 even though you have been vaccinated.

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