Ms. Kufner came to our school at the beginning of the new school year. Here she has settled in well and has taken over the class management of the 5 b.
Ms. Kufner found her way to us from the state secondary school in Vilsbiburg. It originally comes from Mühldorf am Inn. Her favorite subjects at school were history, English, and music. She likes the music very much, especially the singing.
Reading is one of her hobbies as well as traveling. She appreciates getting to know new people and staying longer in one place. For example, she has completed a student exchange in the USA and a semester abroad in the Netherlands. During the long lockdown months, she became interested in a new hobby: baking.
The school community wishes Ms. Kufner a good first year in Freilassing and a lot of joy in her new leisure time.
Johannes Vesper
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