HARIANHALUAN.COM – The researchers found, the quality of sperm can be damaged for months after recovering from a Covid-19 infection. According to the researchers’ findings, semen itself is not contagious. But among the 35 men who gave the sample sperm a month after recovering from symptomatic Covid, a decrease in the number sperm proven 60 percent and the amount sperm reduced by 37 percent.
As reported in Fertility and Sterility on Monday, semen samples were taken from 120 Belgian men with an average age of 35, an average of 52 days after their Covid symptoms cleared.
Among 51 men who were tested between one and two months after recovery, 37 percent experienced a decrease in their number sperm motility and 29 percent low sperm count.
Among 34 men who sampled at least two months after recovering, 28 percent had damage sperm and quantity sperm down 6 percent. The severity of Covid infection has no correlation with characteristics sperm.
“Couples who wish to conceive should be reminded that the quality of sperm after Covid-19 infection can be less than optimal,” the researchers concluded, quoted by Reuters on Tuesday (21/12).
“The estimated recovery time is three months, but further studies are underway to confirm this and to determine whether there is permanent damage in a minority of men.”