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Reality doesn’t exist and time doesn’t make sense, physicists have come to a strange conclusion

Time doesn’t make sense, the researchers said.

A bizarre prediction from quantum physics says that reality doesn’t really exist and time doesn’t make sense. Not until we decide to measure them. Australian scientists have now proved this shocking thing. So what’s it like?

Australian scientists recreated the famous experiment and confirmed that if we don’t measure reality at least on a very small scale, it doesn’t exist at all.

Australian scientists have proved a shocking thing

Although it seems rather complicated at first glance, scientists think exactly the opposite. If we have an object that can behave like a particle or a wave, at what point does that object “decide”?

Our logic would seem to assume that the object is a wave or a particle. However, quantum theory states that the result depends on how the object is measured at the end of its journey. This is exactly what a team of scientists from the Australian National University discovered.

“Prove that measurement is everything. At the quantum level, reality doesn’t exist unless you look at it,” the lead researcher and physicist said in a press release. Andrea Truscott.

A thought experiment John Wheeler with delayed choice, as the phenomenon is called, was first applied in 1978. At that time, using the light rays reflected from the mirrors. Now, almost 40 years later, an Australian team has managed to repeat the experiment using helium atoms scattered by laser light.

“Quantum physics predictions of interference look rather strange when applied to light, which looks more like a wave, but experimenting with atoms, which are complex things that have mass and interact with electric fields and so on, he adds. oddities, “He said Roman Chakimova doctoral student who worked on the experiment.

Reality does not exist and time has no meaning

To achieve positive results, the team trapped several helium atoms in a suspended state known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. Subsequently, all the atoms were ejected until the last one remained.

For more information, watch this video:

Source: Youtube

It was this that was then powered through a pair of laser beams that created a grid pattern that served as a crossroads that dispersed the path of the atom. Similar to how a solid grid scatters light.

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By adding a second lattice, the atom then traveled both paths like a wave. However, when the second lattice was not added, no interference was observed, as if the atom chose only one path. Future measurements therefore influenced the path of the atom, Truscott explained. The experiment is therefore proof that reality does not exist and time does not really make any sense.





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