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Real Stories of Autism: The Inspiring Journey of Families Dealing with Autism Challenges

Written by Ahmed Ismail – Ahmed Gamal El-Din Tuesday, January 9, 2024 01:00 PM

stories Autistic children The parents’ challenges with them are truly touching and inspiring stories, and we review through living the experience of a family that faced the challenges of autism, and how they dealt with it, going through the journey of diagnosis and exploring the family’s experience during the diagnosis period, and how autism was discovered in the child and how was the family affected by the news?

Then follows the stage of daily challenges, depicting the daily lives of children with autism and their families, and the difficulties they face in social interaction, communication, and learning, as well as treatment and support efforts by reviewing the efforts made by the family to provide appropriate treatments and support for the child, whether through psychological treatments or customized educational programs. The stage of developmental transformations and highlights the developments of children with autism over time and how they learn, grow, and adapt to their surrounding environment.

This was followed by a stage of success experiences and an explanation of the achievements and progress made by children with autism and the lessons that parents learned from their experiences with their children.

Through these human stories in these aspects, we highlight the heroic efforts of parents and children with autism and inspire others with their strength and the challenges they overcome daily.

It is clear that Madam Noha went through a difficult and challenging experience with her children who suffer from autism, and her resilience and optimism reflect the mother’s strength and great love. Autism is not a disease, but rather a disorder that needs special understanding and support.

She actually points out important things, such as avoiding bullying and providing love and support to children with challenges, and despite the challenges she faced in the beginning, her patience and efforts towards her children are inspiring.

Understanding and social acceptance of children with challenges is very important, and it is an important message that should reach many people.

The phrase, “Certainly, our Lord has His wisdom in this matter…and our Lord does not allow anyone to be afflicted unless he knows that he has overcome it…I will overcome it, God willing.” These words were repeated by Madam Noha, a mother of two children with special needs, that summarized her journey with her children recovering from autism. .

Amani Ghazala, a psychologist in the Autism Unit at Abbasiya Hospital, said: Usually children with autism do not learn automatically like normal children, so part of educating them is that we give them awareness of the different senses, such as touch, smell, and balance.”

In the sensory and visual integration room at Abbasiya Hospital, we find a number of devices, such as the fan device, which is a device that displays different colors in different sequences, and on which children begin to work on a process similar to visual sequencing.”

Amani went on to say: “Another device is a column filled with water and produces bubbles. This is for visual communication or even creates good visual communication for them.”

Meanwhile, Yasmine Khaled, a speech specialist in the Autism Unit, confirmed that the autistic child does not have the ability to speak, adding, “In order for us to be able to convey to him that he can speak, we must sit for at least two years so that he can learn to form a word and then a sentence and know how to communicate with children his age.”

In the same context, Dr. Nihal Yasser Allam, Director of the Autism Unit at Abbasiya Hospital, said that the autistic child likes to be alone in his own world and likes to sit with himself. This child prefers not to deal with people and does not like to deal with children like him. He does not want anyone to enter his world or He asks for something from anyone, and does not make eye contact or speak with anyone.

Director of the Autism Unit at Abbasiya Hospital

She added, “He has no imagination and cannot understand what is behind the lines or facial expressions. For example, he cannot understand if you are grimacing, then you are upset.”

She added: He has repetitive movements. If the child is happy or upset, he may flap his hand or move his hand in a certain way, twisting himself around and walking on the clicks of his fingers. Autism basically comes as a result of a developmental disorder that appears during growth, starting from the first time the child is born, and the child may continue to grow normally. Very much, at the age of 3 years, he begins to lose the skills that he acquired during his natural stages of development.”

Dr. Nihal Yasser Allam, Director of the Autism Unit at Abbasiya Hospital, concluded her speech by saying: I would like to say to mothers and all families in general who have children with autism, do not be afraid or worry, and do not take your son by the hand while you are walking with him on transportation. Take him out everywhere, for he is your son. Society is supposed to be. He who accepts it, and you are not supposed to imprison him because people do not accept him.”

2024-01-09 11:00:00

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