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Real Madrid | Madrid’s meticulous plan to minimize risks

Many in Valdebebas considered this session on Monday, the first in the vBack to work after the coronavirus crisis, as something historic. He left as good as bad taste in the mouth for everything that is happening. Players are no stranger to the big health problem. For this reason, they themselves have collaborated to the fullest in complying with Madrid’s added protocol to what LaLiga and CSD already had. The following are the exact guidelines followed by the Real Madrid squad to bring the risk of contagion to zero. Everything, in addition, supervised by the delegate of LaLiga.


The squad was divided into two large groups of 14 players each. The first one started arriving at nine in the morning and the second one at 11. They didn’t mix. In addition to the 26 of the squad were the youth squads Javi Hernández (central) and Luis Federico (goalkeeper).


After leave the car in the parking the players went to the individual rooms that each one has in the residence of Valdebebas. Always, scrupulously keeping the safety distance. There they had prepared the training clothes tucked into biodegradable bags. TAll that way is done with gloves and face masks


After changing they all headed to the training ground. There, the first 14 players had in a private compartment your boots and training material (such as bottles, etc) perfectly sterilized. Masks and gloves they are left in those compartments.


Directed by Zidane, Bettoni and Dupont, all of them, yes, with masks and gloves. The technician distributed the 14 men of each batch in three fields so that they were always very far apart. The players have had a very limited service of physios and doctors. Always, using it with a minimum separation of six meters. In the gym the same separation and using hydroalcoholic gel before and after the use of each machine.


After training (just over an hour with and without the ball) return to the compartment to leave boots, drums, etc, to put on gloves and mask and go to the rooms to shower. There they returned to leave the work clothes in a biodegradable bag. Already changed, without making any stops, they go straight to their cars to go home. And they don’t cross paths with the other 14 who start training.

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