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Real Madrid impose a condition to sign Kai Havertz

“I am ready to take a big step and I like challenges”. A few weeks ago, the young man Kai Havertz He was thus clear and forceful when questioned about his future. The midfielder, barely 20 years old, exhibited his desire to start a new adventure away from the club where he has matured as a professional, the Bayer Leverkusen.

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Logically, his words have not gone unnoticed. In fact, in previous days, the European media have already linked him with clubs such as Bayern Munich, FC Barcelona, ​​Chelsea, Manchester United, Liverpool or Paris Saint-Germain. All of them value the sensational evolution that the player has undergone since he consolidated his position in the first squad of the team that Peter Bosz currently manages (totaling 140 official matches, 40 goals and 30 assists).

Real Madrid will not do crazy things

In these last hours, the digital OK Daily He has pulled the thread again and has assured that another of the soccer player’s great suitors, the Real Madrid, remains very attentive to his situation. Yes, Whites will only move into action if the Leverkusen agrees to negotiate for a reasonable price. If you remain firm in your idea of ​​requesting € 100 M for your ward, those of Thorn Shell they won’t move. “In Madrid’s dome they intend to save this summer to face future substantive operations, such as that of Mbappé, and therefore there will be no waste unless some excellent proposal appears”, explains the portal.

More or less this same position is what Bayern has adopted. According to account Sport BildGiven the current delicate situation, the Bavarians also do not want to spend more than they should and are determined to postpone the possible hiring of the Teutonic international (seven games, one goal) until the summer of 2021.

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