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Real is sold: what is going to happen to the Dortmund location?

Metro AG has sold the Real supermarket chain.

© O liver Berg / dpa

Real is sold, but the 34,000 employees still have a lot of questions. It is also unclear how things will continue with the Dortmund location.

  • The Metro group has the supermarket chain real sold in February.
  • From the takeover by the financial investor SCP are nationwide 276 branches affected.
  • The 34,000 employees should be yours Jobs can keep for now.

Dortmund / NRW – It had been getting around for a long time, on February 19 it was finally time: Die Metro AG has the supermarket chain real sold to the financial investor SCP. How about the round 34,000 real employees it was not clear at first. Verdi trade unionist Stefanie Benefberger spoke to the German press agency (dpa) from a “bitter day for the real workers”.

After the sale of Real: 34,000 employees can initially keep their jobs

At the same time, she warned of the possible destruction of about 10,000 jobs. But after weeks of worrying, the employees can now seem to breathe easy: “Everyone 34,000 employees according to Metro from the SCP Group including their collective agreements are taken over, “said Utz Kowalewski, spokesman for the Dortmund Left group, in a current press release.

First of all, that’s one good news for the employees – also for the in Dortmund. After all, are at the location Dortmund three of the total 18 real branches in North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the question of which real business will continue to operate in the long term continues to cause uncertainty. Only around 50 of the 276 branches in Germany are said to be under the Real umbrella brand for at least two more years remain.

After the sale of Real: the future of the Dortmund location is uncertain

“If he Dortmund location There is still no indication of this, “says Kowalewski. Background: Due to the planned sale of the German real markets, the council factions SPD, Greens and the Left & Pirates had a common in December 2019 resolution passed, which deals with the Dortmund employees of Supermarket chain solidarity.

Video: An era ends: “Real” was sold – 10,000 employees fear

After all, most branches of Real are supposed to be sent to other retail companies resold become. Round 30 branches but face the closure. In the case of later operational reasons Terminations due to new owners of individual branches Severance payments with the general works council of real arranged.

Die Linke Dortmund: “Continued great uncertainty for real employees”

Nevertheless, there is still a great deal of uncertainty for the Group’s employees and this is still “extremely unsatisfactory,” explains the Left Group spokesman.

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