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Real Gooische Mother Leslie gives update on health

‘I am often asked how I am doing now and if I have any tips because you are in the same boat. In other words, suffer from depression or anxiety,” Leslie writes, adding that she has written little about it so far because she finds it too difficult to help others. ‘And because the situation is different for each person.’

Leslie says that despite the ups and downs, she is doing better. Meanwhile, the hormones are coursing through her body, as she is heavily pregnant with her second and is due this month. She does, however, give two pieces of advice that she ‘can recommend to everyone’: rest and talk. ‘Talk to a psychologist you like. I still do this and really love it! The worst sentence people say when you’re in this situation, but luckily in my case it really is: get the right help and it will get better.’

Leslie has gone through turbulent times. Last summer she was proposed to, she moved from Amsterdam to Amstelveen and became pregnant for the second time. She talks about it in the video below.

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