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Real estate and over-indebtedness – What to do if your home becomes a debt trap?

Real estate and over-indebtedness: What to do if your home becomes a debt trap?

Over-indebtedness can happen to anyone, and caution is particularly important when buying a property. Those who can no longer finance their own home are often faced with the question: “When do you lose your house?”In this article we clarify the most important points about the topic of over-indebtedness in real estate and offer a Free initial consultation for immoral usury loans an.

What does over-indebtedness mean when it comes to real estate?

Under Over-indebtedness is the situation in which a debtor’s liabilities exceed his assets. In the case of real estate, this often occurs when the monthly installments for the loan can no longer be paid or the value of the property falls below the outstanding loan amount. In this case, the home quickly threatens to become a debt trap.

We can no longer finance our house – what now?

If you find that “We can no longer finance our house,” you should act quickly. First, it is important to contact the bank and discuss possible solutions. Often there are options such as Suspend repayment or a Debt restructuringto reduce the monthly burden.

Real estate as collateral for a loan: opportunities and risks

Many people use the Property as collateral for the loanwhich usually means lower interest rates and better conditions. However, the risk of losing your home increases if you can no longer pay the loan installments.

The same applies to the Apartment as collateral for loanOnce payments are not made, the bank can foreclose on the property or apartment to pay off the debt.

Selling property despite having a loan: Is that possible?

Yes, in many cases it is possible to Property for sale despite loanThis can even be a sensible solution to avoid an impending foreclosure. The proceeds from the sale are usually used directly to pay off the remaining loan. It is important to inform the bank early and clarify the terms.

Selling a house you just bought: A sensible solution?

If you have a Sell ​​a house you just bought If you have to sell your property because you can no longer afford the financing, you should also consider this. Although the loss of additional costs such as notary fees or brokerage commissions is unavoidable, selling can help to avoid over-indebtedness.

Usury, immorality and excessive interest rates

If the interest rates on your loan are excessively high, the loan agreement could immoral or even usurious In such cases, it is worth considering legal action. An immoral contract exists if the interest rate is so high that it disproportionately disadvantages the borrower. This can result in the contract being declared invalid and only the loan amount having to be repaid, but without interest.

Interest rates too high could also be a sign of usury. Usury occurs when someone takes advantage of another person’s plight to impose particularly disadvantageous contractual conditions on them. If you suspect that your loan agreement is immoral or usurious, you should urgently seek legal advice.

Free initial consultation with lawyers

Many lawyers offer a free initial consultation to discuss the chances of successfully contesting a loan agreement or the options in the event of over-indebtedness. Use this opportunity to get a well-founded assessment of your situation and plan further steps.


What happens if I can no longer pay my home loan?
If you have your Stop paying your home loan If you cannot afford it, your property may be put up for auction. In this case, the bank will sell the house to cover its debts.

Can I suspend repayment of my loan?
In some cases it is possible to suspend repaymentwhich means you only pay interest for a certain period of time. This can reduce the financial burden in the short term.

When do you lose your house?
You will lose your house if you can no longer pay the installments on the loan and the bank initiates foreclosure. This usually only happens after several reminders and requests for payment.

How can I avoid over-indebtedness?
You can avoid over-indebtedness by realistically assessing your financial situation, not getting into too much debt and taking action early on if you have payment difficulties. Checking for immoral interest rates can also help.

Conclusion: Act early and seek professional help

Over-indebtedness in real estate is a serious matter that requires quick action. Do not hesitate to seek help in time and check your contracts for immoral clauses. A free initial consultation can help you choose the right path and save your home.

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