He Real Betisthrough its Foundation, launches the campaign ‘Donate in Green’ to encourage fans to come and donate blood to the Seville Transfusion, Tissue and Cell Center. This initiative will be in operation from Monday, October 2 in the afternoon until Thursday, October 6 at 2:00 p.m. On Tuesday and Wednesday you can donate from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Center located on Avenida Manuel Siurot, 40.
All donors will be able to take in exchange for their participation a code to redeem for a free ticket on the box office website Real Betis for the party UEFA Europa League that faces Real Betis with the Sparta Prague (Thursday, October 6, 6:45 p.m.) along with another code to obtain a ticket at a reduced price (€30). A match in which Manuel Pellegrini’s team also needs the support of its fans to add its first three points in the European competition after losing 1-0 on the first day against Rangers.
The volunteers of Real Betis They will distribute 266 tickets per day – 133 in the morning shift and another 133 in the afternoon shift – redeemable for the Real Betis European match.

The bell ‘Donate in Green’ It is an action that was born in 2012 and that has had more than 8,000 donations throughout its history. In its last edition, in November of last year, 912 blood donations were achieved. Specifically, 1,043 people showed up at the site to donate, although not all of them could participate as they were not suitable after the medical examination. In this edition, a percentage of 58.6% of new donors was obtained, the majority of them being young with 84.6%.
How to donate
Before the donation, the donor will undergo a medical examination and a series of questions will be asked to verify that he can make his donation effective, including being of legal age, weighing at least 50 kilos, not fasting, carrying an ID, not having donated blood during the last two months or having spent four months after a tattoo or piercing.

After donation, the blood is replenished with the ingestion of food, especially liquids, and light rest. These foods will be available to the donor at the donation location. You cannot play sports two hours before or 24 hours after donating blood.
2023-09-30 09:25:10
#Tickets #Betis #Europa #League #match #exchange #donating #blood