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Readers’ forum: Artificial intelligence will not replace humans for a long time, readers write – Seznam Správy

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The editors of Seznam Správ chose do Readers’ Forums interesting ideas from the discussion on the article about how society should behave in a situation where artificial intelligence will be able to replace human workers.

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Ivana Králová: We have a prototype in literature and some movies. The world will be run by some elite through a mediocre AI, the rest of the people will “listen” or be eliminated. In the ghettos, those “rebels” remain, who try to rebel from time to time. Recently, I am often “automatically” happy that I am in the third part of my life and that many things will not bother me in the near future. The world seems to me close to madness…

Lucas Pekař: Why does the teacher always have to chat at the blackboard about something that every average chatbot can come up with in a second nowadays? It all depends on information, technology and finance. Previously, information was available mainly to teachers, today all pupils and students can be in the same field and quality on their mobile phone or tablet. With the help of hyperlinks in Wikipedia or Kiwix, any topic can be searched at any time, even with context and context. In this way, you can master almost all subject areas, especially when it comes to descriptive sciences.

For technical and professional subjects, you will find theoretical basis such as definitions, theorems, formulas, notations and various activity manuals. Internship here works especially for competent and insightful teachers and experts in the field. There is also a question about the importance, attractiveness, usefulness and necessity of different areas for our society. In my opinion, through a complete deep rationalization and reorganization of education, it would be possible to reduce the expenditure on our education system by about half and still improve the quality of the results significantly. (shortened to right)

  • Martina Olšarová (answer): You are not right. A living teacher is still better than a machine. It’s communication, interaction, explanation… No, just googling and having AI “explain” things for you. This will not help anyone in learning. It can complement what teachers do, but it certainly does not replace it.

Libor Vankař: In my opinion, the young people will not be needed, and the old people will decrease, because the young people will not have a place to get proper knowledge, but it will reach a level where it pays to take three young people instead of high and gradually introduced. up them. Now these companies save costs, they have to make the investment. (shortened to right)

Readers’ Forum

The editors of Seznam Zpráv select the most interesting contributions from the readers’ discussion (some may be edited). We are interested in your views on today’s topics and appreciate debaters who debate politely, to the point and stick to it Codex of SZ dialogues.

You can also write your thoughts on the topic to the editors of Seznam Zpráv by e-mail [email protected].

Peter Zitko: Similarly, 50 years ago it was written that computers would put people out of work, and instead a lot of computer related jobs were created. And so it will be with AI – it will need a person to assign tasks to it. There will not be fewer jobs, they will just be different. In addition, AI will cycle within a few years. As more and more results come from AI, other AIs will learn from AI results and thus decline into incompetence. After all, it has already happened with the research. Previously, search engines found hundreds of different results, today they find hundreds of times. The work of people who prepare sufficiently diverse learning sets will again be needed.

Martinec Day: Well, from what I’ve heard personally from friends in the industry, this mentality is nothing but an illusion pushed by the marketing managers of AI development companies. In practice, it is not possible to replace people, and it may not be for a long time. It is a tool, not an agent. In fact, it is possible for the work of someone who, for example, works with data clouds, etc., to be much more efficient, which actually reduces the number of these workers in some way, but it is not no doubt. of total space here.

Romanian Králik: With the development of AI, humanity will lose its own natural intelligence in the same way that navigation skills disappear with the advent of GPS navigation, or the ability to calculate from memory because they are calculators.

  • Martin Provazník (answer): Just like how people lost their memory with the development of writing, printing and newspapers. Before that, everything had to be memorized and, for example, in the small towns, the minister’s sermon was given orally among people who could not attend mass there the distant city. It’s just that the world is developing, and that people are adapting to that world as well as adapting to it. It doesn’t have to hurt the cause. Today, few people would be able to survive if all the resources in today’s world suddenly disappeared. As many people from the city know how to grow food efficiently, provide housing in nature, etc.

Roman Stanek: I think that is a narrow view. And I do not want to argue with this expert at all, because the way in which the reasoning is established is correct. But, for example, they completely ignore the fact that AI will also create a lot of jobs, we can see it on smartphones. It saved a lot of jobs (apps vs. call centers), but we can also ask how many people made a living making phone apps 20 years ago? I think there are a couple of guys at Microsoft. Today there are millions of people.

And youth positions will not disappear, only the person who monitors the AI, who calculates “problems” for him, and those will be judged by the worker. So, for example, 80 percent of the issues will be solved by AI and the 20 percent will be outsourced to the operator. It will lead to more efficiency and quality, because the operator will not overcome unnecessary things.

2024-10-06 11:40:28
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