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Reader Letters Expressing Concerns on Various Issues

  • Augustine Milani

    Minister Rauch, when will our government finally take action? We expect you to take stricter measures against this daily animal suffering. Animals …

  • Helmut Eicher

    Minister of Labor Kocher has given the AMS some orders that make you shake your head. Suddenly the cook or waiter is supposed to…

  • Pamela Pfennigbauer

    A pity if children are not heard, which would be so important. Recently you noticed what comes out of it: A boy would be through the …

  • Christian Stafflinger

    An EU policy that is making more and more people angry. An irresponsible asylum policy that, strictly speaking, is grossly negligent. A more than…

  • Wilfried Maier

    EU Commissioner Adina Valean says that Germany and Italy, in contrast to Austria, are working constructively on the transit issue …

  • Stephan Pestitschek

    Every member of parliament – including those in the EU – should be obliged to examine the planned law in detail before every legislative decision and before every vote.

  • Albert Leiter

    What right does the Austrian Alpine Club have to decide whether or not to erect a cross? Is this weird club…

  • Christian Eitner

    I’ve been going to the mountains for over 60 years now. It would never have occurred to me to consider summit crosses as a religious symbol! For me …

  • Peter Puster

    The discussion about the summit crosses in South Tyrol, according to which they were no longer contemporary symbols, also spilled over to Austria and triggered …

  • Helmut Speil

    The death of a young man is exploited in France, and it is well known who is rioting there. If you look at the videos, you can see…

  • Josef Anglberger

    In France, a 17-year-old was shot dead by a police officer during a check. According to the “Krone” report, the young man was officially known. …

  • Mag. Alexander Telesko, Lind Pharmacy

    Referring to the interview of June 28th with Dr. Markus Opriessnig, President of the Carinthian Medical Association, and his statement “Every doctor with a pharmacy” …

  • Josef Pratsch

    When asked by Mr. Christian Mitter in the “Freien Wort” on June 29, whether someone was annoyed by his gendered text, I allow myself to …

  • Ing. Josef Habacht

    Christian Mitter’s letter to the editor is heartwarming to read. It certainly didn’t annoy me – on the contrary – it was wonderful to read. …

  • August Riegler

    In Yugoslavia I saw the production date for the first time in 1966 on beer bottles on the label – visible through notches on the edge. …

  • Paul Glattauer

    The EU, which a majority of Austrians voted for under the wrong assumptions, is becoming more and more indebted to America …

  • Ruth Reiter

    It’s about time to end these energy price discussions! Millions of tax money are being squandered in the watering can principle. Is our…

  • Helga Körbler

    I find it almost frivolous how the young farmers are portrayed. Maybe I’m thinking too old-fashioned, but the pretty ladies in such …

  • Marlene Bessiak

    When I was in elementary school, it wasn’t possible not to be able to read or write. We had to write everything down. We had dictations, we…

  • Iris Posch

    It is very ambitious when Minister Polaschek wants to bring more staff to the schools in the sense of assistant pedagogy. I have experienced that…

  • Doris Welleditsch

    Why you have to keep reinventing the wheel will always remain a mystery to me. Small children should play together in kindergarten…

  • dr Erne Hackl (teacher)

    The basic evil of the ailing education system at public schools is the months of non-teaching that do not fit the social curriculum …

  • 2023-07-01 02:25:01

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