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Read good books during the New Year|”A good-looking book will make you happier when you read it”_Economy. People’s Livelihood_Hunan Channel_Red Net

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At the Guidong Center Store of Xinhua Bookstore in Guidong County, Chenzhou City, a mother took her child to read in the store.

Red Net Moment News January 22 News(Reporter Zhang Meng)During the Spring Festival in 2023, the series of national reading activities of “Xiangshu Shuxiang-Reading Good Books for the New Year” will be carried out in all parts of Hunan. The event was guided by the Hunan National Reading Activities Office, and hosted by Hunan Publishers Association, Hunan Daily Culture, Tourism and Sports Channel, Hunan Red Net New Media Group, and Hunan Xinhua Bookstore Group.

Recently, a reporter from the Red Net Moment came to the Guidong Center store of Xinhua Bookstore in Guidong County, Chenzhou City. The reporter saw that there was an endless stream of citizens reading and buying books in the store.

Huang Junyi, a fifth-grader at Yujiang No. 1 Primary School in Guidong County, told reporters that he would come to Xinhua Bookstore to read books every other day, and often buy books at Xinhua Bookstore. This year, his mother also gave him a few books as New Year gifts. When the reporter asked him why he likes to read, Huang Junyi said: “Books can give you more knowledge, and some good-looking books will make you happier when you read them.”


A sister took her younger sister to read in the store.

Ms. Tan, a citizen, went to Xinhua Bookstore to choose books for her children to read after class. She also often went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy books. She hoped that through books, children can expand their knowledge in various aspects. Ms. Huang, a citizen, said that she had the desire to buy books after seeing the renovation of the Guidong Center store of Xinhua Bookstore. Her child had just entered the first grade, and she wanted to choose some suitable books for her child.

The reporter saw at the Guidong Center store of Xinhua Bookstore that most of the people who came to buy books were teenagers, some were parents with children, some older brothers and sisters brought younger siblings to the store to read and buy books, and some sat in the Xinhua Bookstore Guizhou. Read all kinds of books in the “leisure bar” of the East Center store.


Young people reading in the “Leisure Bar” of the Guidong Center store of Xinhua Bookstore.


A father buys books for his children.

He Dantao, director of book business of Xinhua Bookstore Guidong Center store and director of the chain store center, told reporters: “During the Spring Festival in 2023, our Xinhua Bookstore Guidong Center store actively responded to the call of Hunan Publishing Group and launched the ‘Xiangshu Shuxiang—— In the “Reading Good Books in the New Year” national reading activity, we have selected a group of good books in the Hunan version that readers love to hear and see. The fragrance of the books is full of the flavor of the year, so that reading can enrich the New Year. This is our special shelf of “Scholarly Fragrance of Hunan Books”. These are Hunan version of good books. From the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar to the fifteenth day of the first month, we will also hold a series of New Year Lantern Festival activities, hoping to bring readers an immersive experience of traditional Chinese New Year culture.”

It is also understood that on the Reada Book City APP, the online exhibition and sale of the “Xiangshu Shuxiang-Reading Good Books for the New Year” national reading activity will be launched simultaneously.


Source: Red Net

Author: Zhang Meng

Editor: Wu Sijing

This article isHunan ChannelFor original articles, please attach the original source link and this statement for reprinting.

Links to this article:https://hn.rednet.cn/content/646745/66/12257456.html

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