forecast for the weekcomplete. we continue with you.giselle: like a bomb fell thenews that the supreme courtPennsylvania overturned the convictionSeptember 2018, for druggingand sexually abuse seen by many as ajustice favors the powerful andmillionaires. there are those who fearthey distrusted the courts.Héctor Javier Solano talks toan expert, who explains whywhat decision had you goneit had been correct.íctor: the father of aéricawas captured from ahelicopter, when it got tohis mansion as a free man,doing with one hand the v ofthe of the most famous in thehistory of televisionAmerican, paó about 3years in a prison ofPennsylvania for sexual abuse.the supreme court of the statesaid theirrights to defend oneself.univisón 41 wanted newsknow the reaction betweensome people of ourcommunity, before the liberationof the famous comedian.they drop it and grab it, thepeople don’t lose trust something that generates a littlequestioning, but it’s thejustice and they know whythey made that the actor had beenaccused in the last fourecades of sexual offenses bywings of 50 women.many said that he drugged thembefore abusing them.the testimony of a womanenough so that in 2018was sentenced to a penalty of3 aj styles years.the court overturned the conviction saidthat the prosecutor filed astatement in which billcosby is indicted.should not present thiscase at no time whenThey gave him that immunity.factor: the lawyer says thatIt was a civil case, in thethat the parties agreed notuse it in future lawsuitscriminals.decision fully fits thethe law. It is a very important thing,the law says you have theright not to incriminate oneself.factor: bars accused therejected with indignation bythe failure or. rated asof the assault victimsexual.the most important messagefor what they have done that,but it does not mean that it is notguilty. not boththey mean the overtime, and notequals innocence.victor: an elaborate studybetween 2015 and 2018 reveals that inthe whole nacón, one of eachfive beings has been one ofattempted rape of one ofevery three have been raped.the complainants, eight out of each10 women and four out of 10mens.a teacher says she is aepidemic.of sexual abuse is ineverywhere.This is the church, in theuniversity, in college, inpeople we know whonothing.factor: until last May, thepoliia no haló registro 108 ocomplaints of rape, in 2019and 2018, the figure was morehigh.bill cosby said “never changeimposture and I have alwayskept my innocence “.the cop new york has asexual. recognizes thatreported cases are lowerto those that actually happen,invites victims toreport them to line 212677 273.