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Reactions after Daniel Goa’s open letter

The President of the Caledonian Union has criticized the management of the coronavirus crisis in Caledonia and has officially requested the dismissal of High Commissioner Laurent Prévost and the commander of the FANC. A position that makes you react, starting with the first concerned.


The open letter to the Caledonians from Daniel Goa this Tuesday arouses political reactions. The president of the UC denounced the calling in question of the Noumea Accord by the joint management of the coronavirus crisis by the Caledonian government and the state. And to request the departure of the High Commissioner and the patron of the FANC.

“Re-establishing the truth of the facts” for the High Commission

Questioned by Daniel Goa, Laurent Prévost reacted at the end of the day on Tuesday. He indicates having read ” with regret for the open letter “Of the president of the UC,” because it turns its back on the unit that has prevailed for weeks in the management of the health crisis ” ” Also regrets with regard to the content of this document, the sole political aim of which cannot suffice to justify excesses and untruths
The High Commissioner intends in this press release to restore the truth, in particular with regard to the recent arrival of 62 soldiers. A decree establishing a strict health protocol has been drawn up and is known to all, said the State representative. ” The 62 mobile gendarmes who arrived on the evening of May 17 as part of the announced reliefs, on an Air Calin flight, therefore known to the Caledonian authorities, were quarantined as soon as they arrived in the Tontouta barracks.
Laurent Prévost also recalls in its press release the conditions for the management of the crisis by all the authorities, in concert.
Without speaking directly about it, the High Commissioner evokes a half-word to finish Daniel Goa’s request for his return to Metropolitan France: The High Commissioner, for his part, continues his mission as a State representative in the service of New Caledonia with serenity and determination. It does so within the strict framework of the State’s responsibilities stemming from the Noumea Accord, of which the State is one of the signatories and therefore one of the guarantors. He remains, for his part, always open to dialogue with all of the political components of New Caledonia
Discover the press release from the High Commission below:

A destabilization company for the future with confidence

But on the political side, reactions are starting to follow one another, starting with the future with confidence.
Sonia Backès, the president of the South province, describes this letter as “ fabric of lies “, for ” to panic the state at the idea that the international community can imagine, that it is not neutral in the process of self-determination ” She denounces, among other things, the exclusion of 43,000 people from the electorate, the confiscatory distribution key that deprives 75% of the population of the South of the product of their work, from the ban on the use of the flag of the Republic.
She recalls that ” one does not govern by fear “Only by respecting the people, and respecting the commitments made by the words of Jacques Lafleur and Jean Marie Tjibaou, by going through the process of the Noumea Accord whatever the difficulties encountered.
Sonia Backès responds to Bernard Lassauce and Claude Lindor

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Discover the future release with confidence

Political maneuver for the LR Rally

For her part, Virginie Ruffenach general secretary of the Rassemblement Les Républicains deplores a threatening political maneuver, four months before the referendum.
She describes the mail from Daniel Goa, ” refrain “,” letter that conveys irrational hatreds and fears ” She criticizes Daniel Goa for politicizing excessively the health crisis, the object of his ” provocation
Discover the press release of Rassemblement-Les Républicains

Conspiracy theory for Generations NC

For its part, Generations NC believes that ” this declaration has no intention of improving the management of the health crisis in the territory. It is purely and simply a pre-referendum political strategy ” The party calls on the state and the government to speak out ” with the greatest transparency on the accusations of the President of the Caledonian Union so as to reassure the Caledonian people
Discover the NC Generations press release

“Consternation” on the side of the magistrates of the court of appeal

Justice also reacts to Daniel Goa’s letter through the first president of the Noumea Court of Appeal, Gilles Rosati, and the Attorney General James Juan.
The heads of court cannot give credence to the idea that the fight against delinquency would only be at the expense of part of the population of New Caledonia, thus unjustly questioning the impartiality of the judicial authority “Write the magistrates who speak of” questioned the action of outrageous and unfounded justice
Discover the press release from the court of appeal: Update with Bernard Lassauce and Claude Lindor

CU requests dismissal of High Commissioner, political reactions

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