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Reaction scar from TB vaccination after vaccination with Moderna

After an injection against tuberculosis (the vaccination is called in full Bacillus Calmette-Guérin, or BCG) often a scar is created. That scar can later irritate again or a blister or crust can form at the puncture site. Known reasons for a reaction from the BCG scar include the flu shot and a measles infection, says Lareb.

In the people who came forward, the scar reaction to the Moderna shot occurred within one to nine days after the first or second corona vaccination. Three of the people recovered within four to 15 days. In the others, the scar had not yet healed at the time of the report, Lareb said.

Children under 12 years

The BCG vaccination is administered to people who travel to a country where tuberculosis is circulating. Children under the age of 12 who are at increased risk are also vaccinated against tuberculosis.

This concerns children who come from a country where tuberculosis occurs or who have at least one parent from such a country. In the latter case, the child is vaccinated because “the expected regular visit to the country of origin of the parent(s)”, according to the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).

According to information from the RIVM, countries with a relatively high incidence of tuberculosis include China, Indonesia and Morocco.


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