Home » today » Health » Reaching 50%, Sukoharjo health center targets HPV vaccine for 1,600 girls – Solopos.com

Reaching 50%, Sukoharjo health center targets HPV vaccine for 1,600 girls – Solopos.com

SOLOPOS.COM – Illustration of the vaccine. (Freepik.com)

Solopos.com, SUKOHARJOSukoharjo then the pilot project area for the implementation of the HPV vaccine (Human papilloma virus) prevention of cervical cancer in Central Java.

The head of the Sukoharjo Community Health Center, Kunari Maharani, said the sub-district Sukoharjo implemented the HPV vaccine in the school-age child immunization month series (BIAS) for two weeks.

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The BIAS one-year program runs from August to September.

The target of the HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) vaccine is girls aged 9 to 19. However, the head of the Sukoharjo Public Health Center said the program’s goal was for primary school children aged 10 to 12.

The Sukoharjo sub-district caters to 1600 children and was about 50% satisfied with the implementation for 2 weeks. “What was satisfied is about 50%, because the implementation is only 2 weeks,” said the woman who is familiarly called Anik.

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Ir Sukarno’s hospital director, Yunia Wahdiyati, interviewed by phone by Solopos.com on Friday (9/16/2022) said she received a clinical case from a health center indicating cervical cancer.

“The case exists, because at the time in the clinic there were activities of friends at puskesmas during the VIA exam” [Inspeksi Visual Asam Asetat]there are positive ones, ”Yunia said.

He explained that the positive case could not necessarily be confirmed as cervical cancer or cervical cancer. When a positive case is detected in the IVA test, immediately continue with cryotherapy.

He added that the Ir Soekarno hospital does not yet have facilities that support the treatment of cervical cancer. They can only handle early diagnosis.

“We don’t have any experts in obstetrics or oncology yet. So far, we can only make the early diagnosis, we refer them to competent hospitals for therapy, ”continued Yunia.

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In general, cancer can occur at a young age when engaging in sexual activity at an immature / unmarried / not yet 20 years old stage, there may be a risk of cervical injury which may later become cancer. Anatomically, at a young age it is not possible to have sexual intercourse.

They were supposed to have sex for over 20 years and get married. If you did, don’t mutually change your partner, only the legitimate ones.

“Give teens an HPV vaccination to prevent neck cancer,” Yunia said.

If you are married and planning to become pregnant and have children, it should be planned. Under certain conditions the cervix is ​​often injured due to childbirth or pregnancy or pregnancy injures the cervix.

Another prevention for women who have difficulty having sexual intercourse, it is recommended to undergo an IVA test or Pap smear every year to detect if there are any changes in the surface of the cervix and immediately receive therapy if there are positive results.

“Don’t forget, always keep your genitals clean,” Yunia continued.

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