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[Re:] Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands test

Well, that’s what I wanted to write. It’s by far my favorite franchise, but they go down to the standard in my eyes.

I got to know this world with Borderlands 1, he sniffed it, I still play it today (true, disassembled ).

The two came, instant buy, I am still spinning to this day. It culminates in what they tried to achieve at the same time, but it was not felt: picked-up gangs, bandits puffing / shooting each other right and left. Illegal world (mostly I started with the idiot KRIEG, Axton, but as soon as I saw it in the trailer … wow!).
3, when they were announced, was hit with great hype, but it was a big disappointment. I pushed the mission line out 1 time, with every side mission, but that was enough. (I would note in parentheses that both BL2’s last Lilith, Sanctuary’s DLC and “turbocharged” BL1 were already terribly forced, the game got worse, nothing new was introduced, but there were plenty of bugs. in 1 those boring new legendaries, in 2 those effervescent rarity weapons are just copy-paste legends in chilli …)
The 3 kb. showed that you can now climb and slide, nothing else, no real antagonist either. Emotes, weapon skins also shake the cold in a borderlands game, these things I have called nothing to do in a borderlands style game. (Not to mention that maliwan rocket launcher and hyperion pistols, and MIDGEThave been left out of the game !!!! :W Tink-ek? Chh!)
There is no difference in shields between manufacturers, with full random packs in each. Legendary falls from everywhere, 4-5 at a time on a plain miniboss, which the map shows from afar, and if you miss it, you can get it back … to be more common than a dozen weapons.
And it came, which was almost just copy-paste. I watched gameplays, trailers, but not that it didn’t catch me, but it caused me a kind of repulsion. I also drew my mouth at 3 to see if I would buy or not, I will MUST skip that. I also prefer pre-sequel to 3 or Wonderlands. Not to mention that the 3, too, is sure to be full of bugs, half-finished.
For me, these last 2 games are no more the real Borderlands. There is no such experience. :(


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