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RC Lens before his catch-up match against Nantes

After their victory on Sunday in Dijon, RC Lens will play again this Wednesday, against Nantes, at 7 p.m. at the Bollaert-Delelis stadium. This is the match of the 8th day postponed due to covid-19. Changes are expected in this busy week.

On the eve of Lens-Nantes, Franck Haise took stock of his group during the traditional press point.
The covid crisis that caused a long cut for Blood and Gold is now forgotten. The RCL went on two games without defeat: the spectacular 4-4 against Reims, then the victory (1-0) Sunday in Dijon. 4 points which allowed Lens to return to 9th position in the league 1 standings, with two games late.
The first will be caught Wednesday night against Nantes.
Main question: Will Franck Haise rotate his workforce?“I have two options”, replied the Lensois coach. “ Either maintain a group dynamic; either run in anticipation of the progtamme that awaits us “. An answer from the good-natured Normand that he is …
It is true that the Sang et Or will chain 8 matches until the end of the year. Hence the importance for him to have “a group that lives well. All players have felt concerned since the start of the season. We have a game that requires a lot of commitment, investment, and effort. To keep a balance between current dynamics and freshness, you need to plan between 2 and 5 changes“.

25 players available

To ensure this long series, Franck Haise will therefore need a larger group. This is good because apart from Cheikh Traoré, who is returning to Clairefontaine to train after a ruptured Achilles tendon, everyone is there. “We are not going to play these 3 matches in a week at 25, but 15, 16 or 17 players, it is quite possible. “

This is how the lensois leader, Gaël Kakuta, was spared in Dijon. Ignatius Ganago and Seko Fofana, who are returning from injuries, played on Sunday. But will they be holders against Nantes? Here too, the artesian coach remains evasive. ” We still have training this afternoon, and we’ll see. For Gana, it’s been a while since he’s been back in training and I think he can start a game, even if finishing it is something else. I’m still giving myself a little time to decide whether it will be Wednesday or Sunday, but he’s able to do it. “

Regarding Fofana, Franck Haise confides: “ I have ideas that I have shared with some of the group and with him, but I will only share them with these people for the moment »He will not say more.

“Our primary mission is maintenance. But why not a 2nd, a 3rd or a 4th mission?”

Franck Haise

In any case, Lens hopes to continue this good momentum, without changing its objectives. “ Our primary mission is maintenance. This does not prevent him from having a 2nd, a 3rd or a 4th mission during the season (…) All the players know the potential of the team. But the slightest relaxation could handicap us. This is why, without playing Father Fouettard, I must remind them. But they are very mature people.
Franck Haise expects a difficult match against Nantes. ” A team with quality and experienced players, well balanced between its attacking potential and its defense. Christian Gourcuff works for that “.

RC Lens- FC Nantes (8th day of league 1), Wednesday (7 p.m.) at the Bollaert-Delelis stadium. Referee: Florent Batta. Game behind closed doors.

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