Home » Business » RC Auto, Meloni stings those who vote on the left: here is the killer tax on insurance | It is better to change sides

RC Auto, Meloni stings those who vote on the left: here is the killer tax on insurance | It is better to change sides

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Car insurance continues to weigh more and more on citizens’ pockets, and there are those who speak of real blows from the Meloni Government: especially for those who vote on the left. Disturbing data is arriving on the costs of car insurance: for what appear to be increasingly impactful ‘killer taxes’.

Who knows whether someone, despite embracing a certain political belief and specific ideals, is thinking of ‘changing sides’ from an ‘electoral’ point of view in light of the recent indications.

If it is true that the value of one’s own beliefs and ideas it has no – or should not have – a price, it is equally true that we live in a concrete and earthly world, in which everything is commodified.

Everything is quantified, if not with a price tag prezzo or price lists, gives an economic value necessary: whether we like it or not, it is the rule that dominates the world, in every area.

It is true that giving up one’s ‘faiths’ and one’s ideological position is something heavy, painful: and it should never happen, if not on one’s own free will.

Car insurance, if you are on the left you risk paying more

However, if it is equally true that, as an old proverb says, ‘without money you can’t sing masses’, then even being able to keep your back straight and with an active current account can be Very complicated: especially if you have to face huge expenses such as those relating to car insurance which, given the data, continues to be increasingly burdensome, high and sometimes unsustainable for many families.

Well, apparently it seems that at the behest of the authorities – who, certainly at the moment, at an institutional level certainly do not have a ‘left-wing’ matrix today – there are vertiginous increases in the prices of policies which seems to target precisely those citizens who appear to be on the side of a specific political area. In short, all things considered, it seems that those on the left can pay more of Rc Auto.

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Are you left-wing? Then you pay more for the policy

How can this be possible? Sometimes the data doesn’t tell everything, but on other occasions it reveals nuances that not everyone focuses on. So, if for example the city where you pay more than insurance is Naples, followed by two other large southern cities such as Palermo and Bari, the city of Bologna climbs the rankings of communities where very high insurance is paid.

Bologna, which has a left-wing mayor and is known for being, historically, a sort of ‘fiefdom’ of a certain political area belonging to or close to left-wing ideals and alignments, pays a very high amount, on average: 546.40 euros for the policy. Far away from other cities in the central north which, however, seem close to other political areas. Whether it is a case, speculation or something else, it changes little: the fact is that, technically, other factors have an impact, but many voters they could still be upset anyway.

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