RBG.ID – Eggs are good for consumption by pregnant women.
There are several types of eggs, such as chicken eggs, duck eggs (salted eggs), and quail eggs.
Unfortunately, not all types of eggs can be consumed by pregnant women.
The types of eggs that pregnant women need to be aware of are salted eggs and betan eggs.
Both types of eggs have a high salt content.
Therefore it is necessary to control the consumption of salted eggs and bitan during pregnancy.
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This is important, because it is feared to worsen water retention during pregnancy.
Marinated duck eggs to reduce the pungent fishy smell.
However, for pregnant women, consuming salted eggs without supervision can cause serious problems.
The amount of estrogen during pregnancy can increase. Estrogen functions to accumulate a lot of water and salt in the body.
If pregnant women eat improperly, edema will occur (buildup of fluid in the spaces between body cells).
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Then, what is the safe limit for pregnant women in consuming salted eggs?
Pregnant women are sufficient and safe if they consume half a salted egg per day. But it’s better not to eat it every day.