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RBB: Doubling Representation and the Future of Ribera Baja – Latest Updates and Possible Government Alliances

The rejection of the TAV and affordable housing for young people have been its emblems. and have helped Ribera Baja Vizirik (RBB) to, in just 4 years, double its representation, be the formation with the most votes in Ribera Baja and, very possibly, govern during the next legislature. A dream almost almost come true.

The independent group, which in 2019 accessed the municipal plenary session, 28 M unseated the PNV as the most voted party. RBB, led by Amado Martínez de Iturrate, obtained 4 councilors and was 1 short of an absolute majority. Seat that the PNV lost, by keeping 3, as well as their socialist support.


The PSE did not get representation and the also independent Aerbi did not appear in the elections. The PP, on the other hand, benefits from achieving 1 more councilor and standing at 2.

Possible support from the PP


Your role is key as can contribute to boosting the independents. Either with their support, their abstention, or even by voting themselves.

The three options would thus facilitate a government of Ribera Baja Bizirik, even if it is by simple majority. The only way for his dream to become a nightmare would be if the PP were to ally with the PNV.

Although in politics anything can happenand the strategies and interests in both places bring together strange bedfellows, in Ribera Baja it seems that the wind is blowing in favor of the independents.

“We cannot guarantee it, but we believe that they will allow us to govern, because we have coincidences in several proposals with some party”, admits Martínez de Iturrate. He is aware that each town, city and province are chess pieces on a larger board. And each small movement counts.

Will the possible PNV-PP pacts affect Ribera Baja?

“We depend on the pacts in Vitoria-Gasteiz and even in Madrid. But the municipalities, more than the parties, are the people, people vote and, more than nationally, We must think in a municipal key“, he argues.

However, PP and PNV maintain a delicate balance these days. In the Álava capital, the popular ones offered their votes to back the ‘txapela agreement’ between the jeltzales and the socialists. And thus prevent Rocío Vitero from being the mayoress. Scenario that could be replicated in Oion. In return, the PP has not hidden its desire for the PNV to support them in Laguardia and Labastida and thus be able to govern.

Would that mean that the seagull party would promote a peneuvista government in Ribera Baja? Martínez de Iturrate does not believe it. He admits that, in recent days, they have kept conversations with the popular “with whom, in some ideas, we agree, as has happened to us these last 4 years”.

“The most important thing is the municipality, not the party, we must work for the municipality”

The positions with the PNV are further removed: “Losing the elections has bothered them a lot, they did not anticipate it and they have not yet analyzed what happened.” Although he is clear about the reason for this goodbye to 8 years of jeltzale rule. “In that time they made many proposals that have barely been fulfilled and they have remained in the inkwell. They haven’t moved anything. The party guidelines have marked its policy “, she reveals.

In his opinion, all a mistake: “The most important thing is the municipality, not the party, we must work for the municipality, because people realize all these things.” And, as proof, the support that Ribera Baja Bizirik has received in the last elections. “We did not expect to almost double the number of votes. We are very satisfied with it, the campaign we have carried out and the 4 years of work in the City Hall “, he lists.

Housing for young people and TAV

An experience that, in his opinion, will help them to govern if they obtain the Mayor of Ribera Baja on June 17. If successful, the first entry in your diary is a meeting with the Basque Government on housing affordable so young people don’t leave the area. “We want to see what formula to use to promote construction, whether for rent, appraised price or VPO, but we are clear that it must be done,” he settles.

“If there is no consensus on important projects, there will be a popular consultation”

He refusal to tav He has also been very present in his campaign. “The layout of the tracks and the bypass to Miranda part of our municipality. We defend that the current tracks be modernized and that there be a social train that passes through all the councils, as before, well connected with the cities,” she says.

The energy transition through the use of municipal buildings to implement renewable energies or the elderly care to have an active aging are other of his proposals. “We’ll start working on all of this from day one,” she promises.

Although, whatever happens on June 17, he reaches out to the other two parties to reach agreements. “We will not use the political roller to remove ideas from others, if there are differences we will discuss them and, if there is no consensus on important projects, there will be a referendum and what the citizens say will be abided by,” he concludes.

#independent #Mayors #Office #Ribera #Baja #dream #reality

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