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Razumkov answered the question of whether Zelensky will go to early presidential elections

“I also see this in the media, Telegram channels. I don’t quite understand who is doing this and why … You know, any information campaign, it must be for something. I am sure that the president [Украины Владимир Зеленский] does not want to give up his position, because a lot has not been done yet, only half of the term has passed. He has enough time to work further. Why he should leave his post is a mystery to me. There is no logic in this, “Razumkov said.

According to him, there are four aspects that allow going to early elections for the head of state – for health reasons, the death of the president, impeachment or resignation.

Razumkov noted that it makes no sense for President Zelensky to leave politics today.

“In any case, I think that the president does not need this … If the president of Ukraine terminated his powers ahead of schedule, he will not be able to be nominated for the next presidential election,” the speaker of the parliament concluded.


Zelensky was elected president on April 21, 2019, took office on May 20. In the second round of elections for Zelensky voted 73.22% of voters, for his rival, the fifth president, Petro Poroshenko – 24.45%.

During the election campaign and after being elected president, Zelensky said that he plans to hold office for one term. “I said that I am going for one term. I already feel that I have very little time,” he said in September 2019.

However, at a press conference in May 2020, he did not rule out that he one presidential term is not enough to fulfill all their campaign promises.

In November 2020, the deputy head of the President’s Office (OPU) Kirill Tymoshenko also admitted that Zelensky might decide to run again… According to the head of the OPU Andrei Yermak, with a question Zelensky will decide on the second term closer to the end of his first cadence.

According to a survey conducted from May 27 to June 1, 2021 by KIIS, Zelensky is ready to support 27.3% of Ukrainians in the presidential electionswho intend to vote and have made their choice. Compared to the data of the KIIS survey on April 16-22 Zelensky’s rating fell by 4.1 percentage points (pp). At the same time, 54.5% of Ukrainians do not want Zelensky to run for a second presidential term.

Recently, some media and politicians have spread rumors about early presidential elections in Ukraine in the fall, allegedly Zelensky will announce this on Independence Day on August 24. One of the reasons for this decision was the downward trend in the president’s ratings, and early elections, they say, would allow Zelensky to really claim victory.

In an interview “Interfax-Ukraine”published on June 1, Tymoshenko said that “there is no reason for an early presidential election,” but this decision should be made by Zelensky.

The next presidential elections in Ukraine are to be held in 2024.

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