The Temuco Railway Museum was the place chosen by the 99 creators – 28 of which from the Los Lagos region – to present the third collective volume “99 Rayados Por Las Fotos”.
The visual publication brings together dozens of images from all over Chile, produced by the nearly one hundred members of the group.

“Rayados por las fotos” closes the trilogy that began to take shape in 2019 with the production of “33 Rayados”, followed two years later by “66 Rayados” and includes several chapters such as landscapes, fauna, portraits, minimalism, urban landscape , details, night photos and black and white shots.
“I thank everyone scratched from photos for bringing this beautiful group to life and my particular appreciation to the authors of this and the previous two books; I am proud to lead this project and I am sure that we will continue to create together around this beautiful art of light,” said Cristian Larrere Wörner, project director and photography teacher.

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