It lowers blood pressure
If you suffer from hypertension, take celery with confidence as an adjunct treatment. It has the necessary properties to help you. Research has shown that celery contains substances that balance blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels.
Detoxifies the body
When you feel your body is loaded with harmful substances, celery belts are indicated, especially in the raw state. Celery consumption also increases the level of immunity, which means that you will get sick less often and diseases will pass more easily. Calcium, magnesium and potassium also act in these situations. Those who suffer from anemia already know that celery helps them achieve a balance of iron and magnesium in the body. People with high cholesterol should add celery to their daily diet if they want a safe and unresolved remedy for the problem.
Healing and diuretic
Celery can be used for a wide range of wounds, scars, frostbite, ulcers, because it has healing abilities. Due to its diuretic properties, it can also be used to treat kidney disease (colic, stones), heart disease (cardiac edema) and for diabetics (it has hypoglycemic properties). For the reasons set out above, celery is also indicated in diets and the treatment of obesity. It is also a reliable help in case of urinary retention, arthritis and gout, hoarseness, inflammation, cough, lack of appetite, according to
Regulates hormonal dysfunctions
Celery is an excellent hormonal regulator for both women and men. In women, it fights dysmenorrhea, infertility and helps them overcome menopausal disorders more easily. Celery juice also fights frigidity and impotence. Also due to its ability to regulate hormones, celery helps prevent or treat skin diseases such as psoriasis, various forms of acne or allergic dermatoses.