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Ravenna, the doctor “no mask” gets worse. Two of his patients are positive

The outcome of the CT scan to which he was subjected highlighted an important lung involvement, so much so that yesterday afternoon the doctor critical of vaccines and masks hospitalized since Easter Eve was transferred from the infectious diseases department to that intensive diver in pneumology to undergo high-flow ventilation after previous therapeutic treatments had exhausted their effectiveness. In the meantime, while the swabs among the people he was being treated continued yesterday, the epidemiological investigations underway by the Public Hygiene staff of the Ausl Romagna continue which have revealed the positivity of a couple of people among those ( largely assisted by the doctor) who had been placed under observation following the ascertainment of the contagion of the professional, who arrived last Saturday by ambulance at “Santa Maria delle Croci” where he was diagnosed with bilateral covid pneumonia. Her skeptical positions against anti-Covid precautions were known, in a story that is attracting the attention of public opinion these days.

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