In three years, 617 people, including over a hundred students, have already participated in The hour that turns the desirethe perpetual reading project in front of the Dante’s tombborn on the occasion of Dante’s seven hundredth anniversary in 2020 by the Municipality of Ravenna and the RavennAntica Foundation.
Many citizens, some even several times, have decided to pay homage to Dante by trying their hand at his verses, just as there are always many who stop to listen to the reading every day, perhaps with their own Divine Comedy in hand. Many tourists also appreciate this brief moment which enhances a place, the area of silence dedicated to Dante, which is already evocative in itself.
The Supreme Poet has been recited in English, French, German, Portuguese, Norwegian, but also in Hindi, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Urdu, Taiwanese, Serbian and Kyrgyz.
Several well-known people participated in the initiative because they were guests of events, such as Scripture Festival, Ravenna Teatro and Prospettiva Dante, or because they were linked to the city. Between them Ivano Marescotti, Paolo Cevoli, Linusbut also the writer Enrico Brizzi and the 2021 Nobel Prize for Literature Abdulrazak Gumah.

From 13 September 2020, the start date of the project wanted by the mayor Michele de Pascale, every afternoon at 5pm in the period from November to March and at 6pm from April to October (except December 25th) the universality of Dante’s work is celebrated in front of Dante’s Tomb. Anyone who wishes, upon reservation, can try their hand at reading one of the most illustrious works in the history of Italian culture. You can also watch the reading by connecting to the page YouTube Long live Dantewhich streams every day.
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– 2024-05-13 17:24:18