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Rats Urinating to Typhus, Beware of Disease in the Rainy Season


ENTER end of year, rainy season has started to flush several areas in Indonesia. Apart from being grateful, this condition makes everyone also have to be alert to the presence of health threats in the form of disease attacks. Here are 10 diseases that the most need to be aware of when entering the rainy season according to the R&D survey SINDO Newspaper.

1. Flu

This disease commonly attacks the body, especially during the rainy season. Weather that changes suddenly can have an effect on the body. Especially if the body’s immunity decreases. To avoid this, taking vitamins can be done to increase immunity.

2. Typhus

Rats Urinating to Typhus, Beware of Disease in the Rainy Season

Typhus is a disease that is transmitted through water media. Usually caused by poor sanitation and consumption of food or water that does not meet hygiene standards. Symptoms include: fever, headache, weakness, sore throat and pain.

3. Fever

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