Maria Corleone (Us Mediaset)
Yesterday evening, Wednesday 20 September 2023, the rerun of the Commissioner Montalbano Par Condicio episode involved 2,495,000 viewers equal to 15.1%. The second episode of the drama is on Canale 5 Maria Corleone gathered 2,322,000 viewers in front of the video, equal to a 14.1% share. On Rai2Special TIM Music Awards – The Party it collected 815,000 spectators with 5.3%. On Italia 1 Tenet entertained 922,000 viewers with 6.3%. On Rai3 Who has seen? gathered 1,721,000 viewers in front of the video, equal to a share of 11.1% (8-minute presentation: 1,306,000 – 6.8%). On Rete4 Out of the core it totals an am of 859,000 spectators with a 6.6% share. On La7 AtlantisPresents: The Devil’s Confessions recorded 419,000 spectators with a share of 2.5%. Following, in the late evening, Atlantide Files scores 172,000 spectators with 2.7%. Free first viewing on TV8 X Factor 17 scores 512,000 spectators with 3.4%. On the Nine Night at the museum 3 – The secret of the pharaoh it garnered 259,000 viewers with 1.5%. On the 20th Horizon Line – Thrill at high altitude records 247,000 spectators with 1.4%. About Iris The Nameless Stranger marks 503,000 spectators and 2.9%. On Rai Premium One Heart Two Destinies gathers 113,000 spectators with 0.6%. On Real Time Marriage at First Sight it obtained 382,000 spectators with 2.1%.
Listen to TV Access Prime Time
Savino at 2.5%.
Su Rai1 Five minutes it involved 3,671,000 spectators with 19.2%. Following Your business gathers 3,632,000 spectators with 18.8%. On Channel 5 Very thin Sprint records an average of 2,836,000 spectators with a share of 14.6%. On Rai2 TG2 Post Summer obtained 657,000 spectators with 3.4%. On Italia1 NCIS recorded 1,336,000 spectators with 6.9%. On Rai3 The Knight and the Tower it involved 1,468,000 spectators (7.6%). A Place in the Sun it enthralled 1,805,000 spectators (9.3%). On Rete4 Tonight Italy brought together 899,000 people to listen (4.7%), in the first part, and 951,000 spectators (4.9%), in the second part. On La7 Half past eight it involved 1,478,000 spectators (7.6%). The game show on TV8 100% Italia entertained 483,000 viewers with 2.5%. On the Nine the new edition of Don’t Forget the Lyrics – Stai sul Pezzo it collected 437,000 spectators with 2.3%. On Real Time Italian Recipes – Dishes on the Tablewith Benedetta Rossi, scored 250,000 spectators with 1.3%.
Early evening
Scotti uphill.
Su Rai1 Chain Reaction – The Winning Agreement obtained an average audience of 2,608,000 spectators (21.7%) while Chain reaction it attracted 3,982,000 spectators (26.1%). On Channel 5 Free Fall – The Challenge Begins marks 1,532,000 spectators (14.1%) while Free fall it involved 2,625,000 spectators (18%). On Rai2 – from 5.45pm to 7.41pm – the meeting of Rugby World Cup Italy-Uruguay marks 452,000 spectators with 4%. Castle it attracted 545,000 spectators (3.1%). On Italia1 Open Studio Mag gathers 469,000 spectators with 3.7%. CSI Miami it obtained 677,000 spectators (4%). On Rai3 the news of TGR they gathered 2,217,000 spectators with 13.7%. Blob marks 866,000 spectators with 4.8%. I travel to italy marks 929,000 spectators with 4.9%. On Rete4 Love storm brought together 604,000 individuals to listen (3.3%). On La7 Father Brown it garnered 146,000 viewers (1.5%) in the first episode, and 209,000 viewers (1.5%) in the second episode. On TV8 4 restaurants gathers 310,000 spectators with 1.9%. On the Nine the reply of Cash or Trash records 482,000 spectators with 2.9%.
Daytime Morning
Agora exceeds 6%.
Su Rai1 TgUnoMattina it gathered 489,000 spectators with 14% (indoors TG1 at 7:399.000 – 12.5%). Il TG1 of 8 it informed 923,000 viewers with 20.2%. One morning says good morning to 777,000 viewers with 19.1%. There first part of Italian Stories records 700,000 spectators with 18%. On Canale5 Front Page TG5 informed 579,000 viewers with 20%. TG5 Morning informed 1,119,000 viewers with 24.6%. Followed by the appointment with Morning News it entertained 785,000 spectators with 19.1%, in the first part, and 791,000 spectators with 20.6% in the second part. On Rai 2Radio 2 Social Club it collected 175,000 spectators with 4.4%. On Italia 1 Chicago Med obtains an audience of 81,000 spectators (1.9%), in the first episode, and 97,000 spectators (2.5%), in the second episode. CSI: New York it obtained 135,000 spectators with 3.2%. On Rai3 World Press Review gathers 272,000 spectators with 6.2%. After a presentation (190,000 – 4.2%), Agora convinces 249,000 spectators equal to a 6.1% share. On Rai3Re-Start gathers 169,000 spectators with 4.4%. On Network 4 Miami Vice records an average of 92,000 spectators (2.4%). On La7 Omnibus achieves an am of 149,000 spectators with 4%, in the News, and 152,000 spectators with 3.6%, in the Debate. Following Coffee Break informed 149,000 viewers equal to 3.8%.
Daytime Noon
Clerici drops to 15.4%.
Your Rai1 second part of Italian Stories it collected 831,000 spectators with 17.8%. It’s always midday it obtained 1,424,000 spectators with 15.4%. On Channel 5 Forum reaches 1,226,000 viewers with 18.5%. On Rai2 Your facts it attracted 403,000 spectators (7.9%) in the first part, and 727,000 spectators (8.3%) in the second part. On Italia 1 CSI: New York it obtained 191,000 spectators with 3.2%. After Big Brother (650,000 – 5.8%), Sport Mediaset it obtained 822,000 spectators with 6.6% (Extra: 502,000 – 4%). On Rai3 after a presentation (175,000 – 4.3%), Elixir gathers 294,000 spectators with 6.1%. To follow the TG3 at 12 it obtained 798,000 viewers (11%). How many Stories it garnered 602,000 spectators (5.5%). Past and present it involved 523,000 spectators with 4.2%. On Rete4 Hazzard it enthralled 107,000 spectators with 2.3%. After the news, the reply from The secret it collected 136,000 spectators with 15%. Murder, she wrote obtained 581,000 (4.9%). On La7 The Air That Pulls it affects 204,000 spectators with a share of 4.2% in the first part, and 410,000 spectators with 4.3% in the second part called ‘Today’.
Daytime Afternoon
The unreleased episode of the thirty-fourth season of The Simpsons at 4.6%.
On Rai1 after TG1 Economia (2,118,000 – 17.1%), The right time it obtained 1,292,000 spectators with 11%, in the presentation, and 1,269,000 spectators with 12.9%. The Ladies’ Paradise it reached 1,469,000 spectators with 18%. After TG1 (1,074,000 – 14.5%), Direct Life it attracted 1,251,000 spectators with 16.7%, in the presentation from 5.06pm to 5.25pm, and 1,730,000 spectators with 19.2%. On Canale5 Beautiful it enthralled 2,570,000 spectators with 20.6%. Bitter Earth it convinced 2,721,000 spectators with a 23.4% share. Following Men and women it obtained an average audience of 2,617,000 spectators with 26.9% (final 2,105,000 – 24.3%). The daytime of Big Brother it attracted 1,774,000 spectators (21.3%). The promise it obtained 1,579,000 spectators with 20.1%. Afternoon Five, hosted by Myrta Merlino, accompanied 1,330,000 spectators with 17.5%, in the first part, and 1,451,000 spectators with 16.2% in the second part (Greetings: 1,306,000 – 13%). On Rai2 the appointment with Ore 14 it collected 713,000 spectators with 6.6%. Beautiful Ma’ it involved 422,000 spectators with 5%. On Italia1 the appointment with I Simpson it garnered 552,000 viewers (4.6%), in the first episode, 475,000 viewers (4.3%), in the second episode, and 367,000 viewers (3.7%), in the third. NCIS New Orleans it affected 243,000 viewers with 2.7%, in the first episode, and 249,000 viewers with 3.2%, in the second episode. Cold Case marks 264,000 spectators (3.1%). On Rai3 the appointment with the news of TGR it was followed by 2,032,000 spectators with 16.7%. Rai Parliament Question Time involved 229,000 spectators equal to 2.4%. Waiting… Geo scores 491,000 spectators with 6.4%. Geo recorded 897,000 viewers with 10%. On Rete4 The Forum Help Desk it was followed by 741,000 viewers with 6.7%. TG4 Diary of the Day it involved 465,000 spectators with 5.4%. On La7, after a presentation (334,000 – 3%), Tagada it involved 333,000 spectators with 3.7% (Focus: 253,000 – 3.4%). On TV8 the film Love on Delivery it garnered 163,000 spectators with 2%.
Second Evening
The replica of Ranieri’s fiction wins the slot.
Su Rai1 Door to door it was followed by 551,000 spectators with an 8.3% share. On Channel 5 The Voice You Have Inside it totaled an average of 564,000 spectators, equal to a 10% share. On Rai2 the last appointment with To talk scores 247,000 spectators with 4.4% (Confessions: 137,000 – 3.8%). On Rai 3 the Tg3 Night Line marks 484,000 spectators with 8.6%. On Italia1 The Guardians of Destiny it is seen by 199,000 spectators (5.4%). On Network 4 The Dark Side of My Husband it was chosen by 193,000 spectators with a 6.4% share.
Ore 13.30 2.935.000 (23.6%)
Ore 20.00 4.444.000 (24.2%)
Ore 13.00 1.574.000 (13.6%)
Ore 20.30 1.073.000 (5.5%)
Ore 14.25 1.233.000 (10.9%)
Ore 19.00 1.658.000 (12.3%)
Ore 13.00 2.673.000 (22.9%)
Ore 20.00 3.889.000 (20.9%)
Ore 12.25 1.103.000 (11.7%)
Ore 18.30 537.000 (5.2%)
Ore 11.55 236.000 (3.4%)
Ore 18.55 576.000 (4.1%)
Ore 13.30 546.000 (4.4%)
Ore 20.00 1.163.000 (6.3%)
Auditel data by bands (share %)
2023-09-21 08:44:49
#ratings #Wednesday #September #Montalbano #wins #small #margin #Maria #Corleone #stops #Sciarelli #grows #Pomeriggio5 #17.516.2 #Vita #Diretta #16.719.2 #Giambruno #overtakes #Diaco