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Rare, Israeli Intel Chief Supports Iran Nuclear Treaty


Israel’s intelligence chief backs Iran nuclear deal. Photo/Illustration/Sindonews

TEL AVIV – A security guard Israel have different thoughts from other officials regarding the possibility of re-enactment Iran nuclear deal . He said it was better than the agreement collapsing.

The head of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Operations Directorate, Aharon Haliva, reportedly believes a return to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal is better for Tel Aviv than the collapse of the Vienna talks over the agreement.

Israeli news outlet Walla quoted unnamed government sources as saying that Haliva added that a revival of the deal would give the Jewish state more time to prepare for various scenarios of escalating tensions with Israel. Iran .

Moreover, Israel would be in a better position to prepare for such eventualities.

According to Walla, the IDF intelligence chief’s comments were in response to statements by Mossad chief David Barnea, who continues to oppose the JCPOA and insists there is still time to influence the United States (US) on the terms of the Iran nuclear deal.

“It was worth it and worth investing time and effort in dialogue with America about the content of the agreement,” Barnea told reporters. Sputnik, Wednesday (5/1/2022).

The remarks came after Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid stressed that Tel Aviv had no problem in principle with the JCPOA and a good deal was a good thing.

“The second best is no deal but tightening sanctions and making sure Iran can’t move forward. And third and worst is a bad deal,” he said.

Also read: Yair Lapid: Israel doesn’t need US permission to attack Iran

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