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Rare Discovery: Comet Nishimura Makes its Appearance in the Night Sky

This comet was named Nishimura, after the Japanese amateur astronomer Hideo Nishimura, who first observed it on August 11, 2023. Nicolas Biver, a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research at the Paris Observatory (PSL), pointed out the rarity of discovering comets like this. Clarity in a very short period of time, as most comets are discovered months or even years before they approach the Sun.

The comet has a long orbit, as its last pass near the Sun was 437 years ago, and no historical records of its previous visit have been found in astronomical records.

Experts say that when comets approach the sun, the ice in them begins to melt and releases a tail of dust that reflects sunlight, and this tail is what we will see from Earth. Comet Nishimura will pass its closest point to the sun on September 17, when it will be 33 million kilometers from the sun and 125 million kilometers from Earth. The color of the comet’s tail will be green due to the presence of more gases than dust in it.

The most famous comets

The history of comets has long been considered to be full of fascinating events and unique astronomical spectacles. Scientists and astronomy enthusiasts enjoy following these phenomena with a passion to understand the secrets of the universe and learn more about the formation of the solar system and its history. The world has witnessed many comets, the most famous of which in history was Halley’s Comet. This comet is distinguished by the fact that it passes near the Earth approximately every 76 years. The last time it passed by Earth was in 1986, and it will return in 2061.

Comet Nison was also one of the brightest comets of the twentieth century. It witnessed its transit of the Sun in 1973.

The world also learned about Comet Hale-Bopp, which was clearly visible in 1997 and became a subject of public viewing. It has a long, clear tail.

Comet “ISON” in 2013 showed a very bright and bright tail in the sky in 2013. As for Comet Newchilk, it was clearly visible in 1996 and was amazing because of its huge tail.

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