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Rare Case of Human-to-Human Transmission of Alzheimer’s Disease

▲ A British study found a rare case of “human-to-human transmission” of Alzheimer’s disease. The youngest patient was only 38 years old.

Can Alzheimer’s disease be contagious? A British study found a rare case of “human-to-human transmission” of Alzheimer’s disease. The study found that five adults developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease one after another after receiving growth hormone treatment from a deceased person decades ago. The youngest The patient was only 38 years old, and the study provides the first evidence that a living person can be “infected” with Alzheimer’s disease from a foreign object.

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The research report was published on Monday (29th) in “natural medicinemagazine, provides the first evidence that living people can be “infected” with Alzheimer’s disease from foreign objects. The five case patients lacked growth hormone in their bodies when they were young. They received pituitary growth hormone from deceased persons for treatment between 1959 and 1985. They later developed symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. It is suspected that the growth hormone they received was contaminated. lead to. Three of the patients had brain scan results consistent with the diagnosis, and two patients had biomarkers consistent with Alzheimer’s disease. The youngest patient was 38 years old.

Researchers speculate that patients develop Alzheimer’s disease because the growth hormone they receive contains amyloid-beta, which triggers symptoms of early-onset dementia. The medical community has long believed that amyloid-β protein forms plaques in the brain and is the key cause of Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers emphasized that this is a very special case. It has not yet been found that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted by viruses or bacteria, and the public does not need to worry.

In fact, problems with biohormone treatments have arisen decades ago. The research report mentioned that between 1959 and 1985, at least 1,848 patients in the United Kingdom received growth hormone from the pituitary glands of deceased people. This treatment was also used in the United States at that time. However, some patients developed the rare brain disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) after receiving treatment, and some even died from it. Therefore, the therapy was banned in 1985 and continues to this day.

John Collinge, director of the Institute of Particle Disease at University College London, who is responsible for the study, said that although research shows that Alzheimer’s disease can be transmitted under certain circumstances, there is no risk of contracting the disease through general daily contact, especially in cases. The medical methods in this case have been out of use for decades, so the public does not need to worry too much.

Breaking down common symptoms of dementia

The cognitive abilities of the elderly are gradually declining, and many people are susceptible to dementia.According to information from the Smart Friends website of the Hong Kong Hospital Authority, cognitive impairment, also known as “dementia”, “Alzheimer’s disease”, and “degeneration”, is a disease of the brain’s nerve cells that causes abnormal decline in brain function. A general term for Alzheimer’s disease; it is also a disease that occurs due to loss of brain function. It affects memory, thinking, language, judgment, behavior and personality. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the cognitive disorders.

Patients will gradually lose their memory and other cognitive functions (such as learning, understanding, language use, sense of direction and judgment, etc.); some patients may also have symptoms of depression, hallucinations or personality changes. It is estimated that one in every six women and one in every 10 men in the 70-year-old population will suffer from the disease.

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2024-02-02 07:55:11

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