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Rapper Booba fined for Instagram message against former Charlie Hebdo journalist

“Let’s rot life with this big stinky shit”: Booba, 46, was tried for this message published in November 2019 on Instagram against the former journalist of Charlie Hebdo, Zineb El Rhazoui.

A message which followed remarks made by the journalist on CNews, where she had declared, about urban violence which occurred in Mantes-la-Jolie (Yvelines): “The police must shoot live ammunition in these cases- there “.

The rapper was sentenced on Tuesday to a fine of 5000 euros. He will also have to pay 5,000 euros in damages to Zineb El Rhazou. Both parties were absent at the hearing in March and at the deliberations delivered on Tuesday.

“The court took the measure of this case by bringing the fine and the damages to fairer proportions”, reacted the rapper’s lawyer, Me Yann Le Bras. Contacted, the lawyer for the civil party, Me Thibault de Montbrial, could not be reached immediately.

The prosecution had requested a fine of 10,000 euros against the rapper from Boulogne-Billancourt, castigating a “scatological overflow” where the humor was “little noticeable”. An opinion followed by the court, which did not retain “the humorous nature” of these remarks. “These contentious remarks do not contribute to the debate of general interest”, also explained the president of the 14th chamber.

Booba, Elie Yaffa of his real name, had been sentenced in October 2018 to eighteen months in prison suspended for a famous fight with his rival Kaaris at Orly airport.

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