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Rapid swabs in the pharmacy, the CGIL: “Overwork and risks to the health of the staff”

Tampone (archive image)

Florence, January 1, 2022 – «The Tuscany Region clarifies if, even after the President’s ordinance 66, only those without symptoms can access pharmacies to do the swab as required by the protocol signed at the time “,” with the numbers of infections higher than ever, the laboratories that process molecular swabs are in great difficulty, just as the tracking system needs shorter times “. So a note released this morning by the Filcams union CGIL of Tuscany.

«The Protocol signed between the Tuscany Region and pharmacies currently provides that they can swab only in pharmacies asymptomatic patients not undergoing quarantine, and it appears to us not to have changed – underlines the union -. Ordinance 66 instead provides for the sufficiency of swab also in pharmacies to certify positivity, and to verify the negativity at the end of the quarantine. Ordinance 66 therefore changes again, e widens, the audience of those who will go to the pharmacy to swab, adding those who must come out of quarantine, without underlining or at least clearly confirming the need for the absence of symptoms expected up to now ».

«Who works in pharmacies has already contributed to filling organizational gaps in the health system – continues the note -, but the Ordinance 66 of the President of the Tuscany Region of 28 December arouses strong concern in us, regarding additional workloads and above all to the safety of workers and patients“. “On behalf of the workers of the pharmacies, who are mainly employees – writes Filcams Cgil -, we want to express all the tiredness for the situation that has arisen, the effort they make to ensure normal service together with the growing requests for tampons , concern for their own safety and for that of citizens who go to pharmacies for their usual health needs ».

The abbreviation reminds us that «pharmacies in recent weeks have struggled to cope with the growing demand for rapid tampons, very different from the initial one both in terms of numbers and type of patients. Those who needed the Green Pass without wanting to get vaccinated were added to the original screening of the school population. The numbers have increased again for those who vaccinated or not wanted to take the test also in view of the holidays and there have already been long queues and a huge extra workload for the same staff that in recent weeks has often created difficulties for normal service”. In these hours, the note concludes, “in the Cispel companies our RSA, RSU and RLS representatives are asking for the convocation of the Covid Committees, and the same request has also been sent jointly to Federfarma Toscana”.

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