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Rapid Support Forces Claim Heavy Losses for Army in Sudan

The Rapid Support Forces spoke on Facebook about heavy losses for the army..and the latter has not commented yet

Posted on: July 14, 2023: 12:23 PM GST Last updated: July 14, 2023: 06:36 PM GST

Today, Friday, the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan claimed that they killed “hundreds” of army soldiers and seized more than 100 vehicles while repelling an attack in the city of Bahri, in the capital, Khartoum.

The support forces, which have been waging a struggle against the Sudanese army since mid-April, added in a statement on their Facebook page that they repelled an attack on their positions in the city of Bahri and managed to seize 130 vehicles and a number of military vehicles, and captured dozens of members of the attacking force.

The support forces said that the attack was accompanied by a “complete blocking of the communications network.”

The military and civilian parties were finalizing an internationally backed political process to transition to civilian rule after the overthrow of former President Omar al-Bashir in a popular uprising in 2019, when fighting suddenly erupted in April after disagreements over plans to integrate the Rapid Support Forces into the army.

The two warring sides reached several ceasefire agreements brokered by Saudi Arabia and the United States, but the negotiations that took place in Jeddah were suspended last month after the army and the Rapid Support Forces accused each other of violating the truce.

Clashes also renewed today, Friday, in the eastern Al-Fatihab area on the side of the White Nile and west of the Kalaklat area in Sudan In the midst of explosions. The Sudanese capital witnessed a gradual return of communications and the Internet after a complete interruption for several hours, with the intensity of the battles between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

In this context, the correspondent of Al-Arabiya and Al-Hadath reported that the Sudanese army bombed with artillery positions of the Rapid Support Forces in Omdurman.

He also talked about the Sudanese army’s implementation of a large-scale military operation in Khartoum North, pointing to the occurrence of violent battles with heavy weapons in the areas of Kalakla in Khartoum and Al-Fatihab in Omdurman.

#Sudan #bloody #battles #Khartoum. #RSF #claims #killed #hundreds #army #soldiers
2023-07-14 14:15:00

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