From 2016 to 2022, the number of bovine cattle vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis in San Juan grew 49.8%, mainly due to the strategies implemented in the vaccination campaigns carried out by the Livestock Development Directorate, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Agroindustry, under the Ministry of Production and Economic Development.
Vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease is one of the main prevention strategies that allows maintaining a stable epidemiological situation of this disease in the Argentine Republic.
In San Juan the vaccine is free since the Government assumes the cost of the biological agent, both for foot-and-mouth disease and brucellosis, the latter is applied only to female calves. The only thing the producer pays is the vaccinator’s fee, which this year is $120 per dose applied.
Official figures indicate that in 2016 36,500 animals were vaccinated, while in 2022 there were 54,684 vaccinated cattle, belonging to 1,518 producers.
Valle fertile is the department that has the largest number of vaccinated cattle in the province, accounting for 51% of the total, then 25 de Mayo is located with 10%, Caucete with 9%, Sarmiento with 8% as well as Jáchal.
In this regard, the Minister of Production and Economic Development, Ariel Lucero, pointed out that vaccination campaigns are a vital strategy to maintain the sanitary status, especially in San Juan where for some years a policy has been maintained that seeks to increase the production of cattle for self-consumption.
“From the Government of San Juan, the focus was placed on expanding the productive matrix, developing strategic sectors such as livestock with investments in public works that have allowed the linkage of all members of the sector to be achieved,” said Lucero.
From the Directorate of Livestock Development they indicated that the increase in the number of heads of vaccinated cattle is attributed to the dissemination campaigns.
“Every year we go out to visit all the departments where we gather the producers and give them a talk about the vaccination program, the vaccination figures for the previous year and what is projected, emphasizing the rationale for the vaccination campaign and how the National program is implemented in San Juan, its scope, among other things,” said Carlos Camuñas, head of the area.
The numbers
The official figures for the 2022 vaccination campaign, which include all the doses applied to cows, bulls, steers, steers, heifers, calves and calves, indicate that 1,259 heads were vaccinated in Pocito, 2,592 in Angaco, and 257 in Albardón.
In the San Martín department there were 616; in Sarmiento, 4,089; Rawson, 1,104; caucet, 5,006; Jachal, 4,130; Church, 1,974; and May 25, 5,222.
In Ullum, 239 animals were vaccinated, in Valle Fértil, 27,206; Calingasta, 750; Zonda, 230; Saint Lucia, 10, grand total: 54,684.
Camuñas explained that, in the graph of this growth, there are specific years where the increase has been very noticeable because vaccination was a requirement for some other program or project.
In addition, vaccination is also a requirement for the National Sanitary Registry of Agricultural Producers (RENSPA) belonging to SENASA, in order to move farms.
“In previous years it was attributed to the increase in the ranch in San Juan, and although it is true that there may be some increase in cattle heads, we understand that the figures respond to the fact that producers increasingly understand the importance of vaccination,” said Camuñas.
SENASA’s National Foot-and-Mouth Disease Program, through the “Integrated Animal Health Management System”, evaluates local plans and local health entities, in order to know their performance, and if appropriate, implement corrective actions.
The Argentine Republic has the status of foot-and-mouth disease free, granted by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) with two differentiated zones according to the application or not of vaccination (free zone with vaccination and free zone without vaccination).
SENASA points out that one of the main strategies of the National Eradication Plan is the compulsory vaccination of all bovines and buffaloes in the two zones that the OIE has recognized as free of foot-and-mouth disease with vaccination: Center-North and Border Cordon.
The characteristics of the strategy are:
-Only applies to bovine and buffalo species.
-Vaccine controlled by SENASA is used. It is an oily vaccine, inactivated with binary ethyleneimine (BEI), formulated with oily adjuvant and saponin (gives it long immunity), contains the strains O1 Campos, A24 Cruzeiro, A Argentina 2001, C3 Indaial (tetravalent). Doses of 2 ml are used, and are produced by national private laboratories.
Foot-and-mouth disease is a serious herd viral disease, highly contagious and with considerable economic repercussions.
2023-07-24 10:27:00
#Bovine #vaccination #campaign #San #Juan #years #grew #SAN #JUAN