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Raphaël’s live interrupted by Mélanie Thierry, very angry

France is on alert: the Covid-19 is testing the nerves of hospital staff and the Head of State has asked the French people to stay at home to limit the spread of the virus. For the past three weeks, all of France, like a large part of Europe, has been at a standstill, or almost. If the garbage collectors, the deliverers, the bakers or even the cashiers are on the ground to provide a minimum service to the French, most of us are invited to telecommute or are put on partial unemployment. And artists are housed in the same boat !

Concerts, museums, sketches … Long live the Internet!

If the concerts of great singers like one man comedian shows have been postponed or simply canceled, the Internet is still the way to find yourself without leaving our home. If the French have accused the blow for a while, they are now taking their side of the current situation and begin to put things in place to have fun while staying at home. And if the creators, the teachers of sports, of yoga or even the humorists, offer weekly meetings to meet around our smartphones and share a nice moment, the singers have spread the word to offer their audiences small live concerts live from their own homes. While many of them have opted for the lounge option, some have simply sat down in their kitchen.

“I have to eat!”

This is the case of the singer Raphael, who has performed regularly in a bathrobe, for several weeks, directly from his home. No stage attire, light show or microphone. Just his guitar and his voice. A moment of plenitude for its audience who appreciates its soft grain of voice and its poetic texts. What was not the surprise of his spectators to see him get interrupted in full live by his wife, actress Mélanie Thierry ! Even if she does not appear in the image, we hear the companion of the Caravan interpreter talking to her while he sings. “I’m live on Facebook, stop interrupting me“asks the singer.”Yes but it’s not an hour! You’re in the kitchen, I have to eat! “A particularly dry and brittle tone for the actress whom we admire for her pouting pout and her sweet face. Ah, the vagaries of the live!

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