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Rape, Violence in close relationships Abused and raped women for a number of years

While the police investigated the man for abusing and raping two women, they rescued a third woman who was raped by the man.

The now 32-year-old man found it easy to establish relationships with women. He is now convicted of aggravated assault of several of them. In Oslo District Court, he has been sentenced to detention with a time frame of ten years and a minimum term of six years and eight months for aggravated assault on three different women – including two rapes, prolonged abuse in close relationships, and deprivation of liberty.

A fourth woman has also reported violence and control in the relationship, but she is not offended in the case.

One of the rapes took place at a corona hotel in central Oslo, after he knew he was being investigated for abusing two women, and only a few days after he had informed the police that he did not want to be questioned about these cases.

In the hotel room, the woman was abused, raped and held back against her will. The abuse only stopped when the police entered the hotel room.

Society must be protected from him

Oslo District Court agrees with the forensic psychologists who believed that the man has weak empathy, lack of remorse, inability to learn from mistakes and no guilt, and that the chance that he will re-establish destructive relationships with women is high. The court also finds that the man is easy to establish relationships with women, but that those relationships seem to become destructive after a short while.

Psychologists and the courts see no signs of improvement in the man’s behavior, primarily because he has not acknowledged that he is violent.

– A basic precondition for improvement is that the accused is motivated to deal with his challenges, something the evidence has revealed that he is in no way. On the contrary, he has at no time acknowledged that there are challenges related to his behavior and / or social and personal functioning, the district court writes.

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Denies violence

The now 32-year-old man has been adopted and grew up with Norwegian parents in a well-to-do family. In court, he described his childhood as good, except that his parents were somewhat absent. He never finished high school. Since then, he has had few jobs and lived largely on inheritance and money from family.

All three offended women are of foreign origin. The man denies having been violent towards the women. He believes that they have rotted together to get money from him, or to get compensation for victims of violence. The Oslo District Court is aware that an important piece of evidence in the case is the overlapping explanations of the three women. All conditions have been characterized by substance abuse.

His defender, lawyer Arild Langenes, tells Nettavisen that the verdict will be appealed, and that he has no comment beyond that.

The oldest and longest relationship to which the indictment applies is the rape and abuse of a cohabitant from 2016 to 2018. At this time, the man had become part of a drug environment in Oslo. His apartment had become a meeting place for this environment. That is why he stayed with his girlfriend in a number of different hotels in Oslo.

Beat and raped the cohabitant

The woman has told of a cohabitation with threats and violence, and where she was refused to go out alone.

– The physical violence consisted of strangulation, beatings, pushing, lugging, that he stepped on her head, that he shot at her (with an air pistol editor’s note) and threw things at her, and that he stepped on her stomach then. she was pregnant, it says in the indictment that he is now convicted of.

The man also made statements such as “I own you”, “you are my property”, and “if you do not want to be with me then either you or I will die”. He also took out 50,000 kroner in loans in the woman’s name which her mother had to repay.

Oslo District Court points out that the woman has explained herself several times about the events after she escaped from him in July 2018, and that she would rather talk down than up, what has happened.

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The aggrieved party has explained in court that she met the accused in the early summer of 2016, and that he was helpful and kind in the beginning. Gradually he changed into a “monster”. The victim explained that he became jealous and paranoid, and believed that the victim was a police officer and / or a spy. At the beginning of the relationship, he accompanied her to work and waited outside for nine hours, and eventually he refused her to leave the apartment to go to work. She stopped performing at work, her employer became “angry”, and she quit her job because of the accused, the verdict states.

– Had to have sex after arguing

The two offended women, who had had a long-term relationship with the man, both said that he had to have sex after an argument. The man has been convicted of raping the woman he was with from 2016 to 2018. She explained that while it was sometimes good make-up sex that she herself wanted, she was forced on other occasions.

– She explained that he, among other things, took a stranglehold around her neck and held her, until she said that she loved him. Then she had to have sex with him, writes Oslo District Court from her explanation.

– The court considers that she accepts a sexual intercourse she would not otherwise accept, if she had not been exposed to violence or threats in advance. In other words, it is the fear of violence that causes her to have sexual intercourse, the verdict states.

Hang the cohabitant in the closet

The verdict mentions several specific incidents, including a case where the convicted person smashed a car window with an iron bar when the woman tried to escape from him in a car.

In a specific episode in November 2016 in the man’s apartment, the woman was locked inside the bedroom, strangled with her hands and kicked in the stomach, before she got a rope or tie around her neck and hung up by her neck in the wardrobe. She had then tried to escape from the apartment, but was caught and dragged back. It all ended with her having to say that she loved him and that they had sex.

This incident also led to the police moving out to the apartment due to a house riot. The man was taken into custody. A few days later, the woman received medical help due to injuries after the incident.

The latest incident – in the summer of 2018 – led to the woman escaping from the man. She was then pregnant and had been detained in a hotel room for a long time. He had beaten and pushed her so that she began to bleed from her abdomen.

She went to the emergency room, where she told about psychological, physical and sexual violence throughout her cohabitation with convicts. The 32-year-old’s defender pointed out in court that there was a lack of physical evidence (injuries to the body) and witness evidence to substantiate the extensive abuse.

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From cleaning help to girlfriend and victims of violence

The other offender with whom the man had a relationship was with him for ten months in 2017 and 2018.

The woman was employed as a cleaning assistant for the man because her cohabitant was admitted to an institution. They had a sexual relationship that also turned violent. For a time, all three of them also lived together. The previously mentioned cohabitant is said to have witnessed episodes of violence against this woman. The Oslo District Court believes that they were so much together that even these abuses must be described as violence in close relationships.

– The physical violence consisted of beatings, strangulation, pushing, that he lifted her up and threw her to the ground, as well as blows with objects, including an iron bar. The threats included that he said that he should seek her and her family, and kill them if she tried to run away, and that he on several occasions kept firearms aimed at her, including at her neck, it is stated from her explanation in the verdict.

In addition, the man is said to have checked who she had contact with, taken control of her mobile bank, social media and shot down her mobile phones.

The last violent incident took place at Holmenkollen Park Hotel, where the convicted person had rented a suite for him and the two women.

– After the presentation of evidence, the court is convinced that the defendant strangled the victim, kicked her in the stomach, held an iron bar against her chin and pressed her chin up, hit the iron bar several times against a chair, before he then hit her with the iron bar on her left shoulder. that in the judgment.

At one point, the woman managed to escape from the suite. Without a jacket, telephone or money, she ran five kilometers to Smestad closer to central Oslo. There she met a taxi driver, who drove her to the emergency room for free. Since then, she has not seen the convict or the other cohabitant again.

Raped in hotel room

The third victim in this criminal case was raped after the police started investigating the first two cases. The 32-year-old knew at this time that he was being investigated, and had days before the incident informed the police that he would not be questioned.

The assaults took place over almost a day and a half in 2020 at the Park Inn hotel in central Oslo. The hotel was at this time a quarantine hotel in connection with the corona pandemic. The woman had joined the 32-year-old at the hotel in the morning, after they had been to a party together.

The man denies all guilt and believes that all sex was voluntary, and that the woman herself suffered injuries because she was intoxicated.

– It is typically things (ethnicity omitted, journ. Note) that they beat themselves to make it seem as if someone has committed violence, the man said in court.

Oslo District Court, on the other hand, believes that the man beat her up, strangled her with a belt, threatened her with, among other things, a hot iron, and raped her.

In court, the woman said that the 32-year-old had stated that he could “wish it was voluntary”, and he after raping her gray and stated “look, I have raped you”.

The abuse only stopped when the police stormed the hotel room. The police had received reports of riots in the room which caused them to move out. The woman was then taken to the emergency room, where extensive injuries to her were registered. The police also arrested the 32-year-old and carried out technical investigations which found, among other things, that the woman had his belt buckle in her mouth.

Oslo District Court believes that the events in April 2020 in isolation should have given him five and a half years in prison. The repeated rapes of his former cohabitant would in isolation have given him imprisonment for six years. Violence in close relationships a sentence of one year and three years imprisonment, respectively. Because in Norway you get a penalty discount when you are convicted of several offenses at the same time, the total sentence is set at ten years in prison.

In addition, he has thus been sentenced to detention, because the court believes he is dangerous to society. The verdict has been appealed.


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