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Rape, Pakistan | Prime Minister blames rape victims for dressing “with very little clothing”

Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has received massive criticism after he blamed rape victims for dressing “with very little clothing”, reports the news agency AFP.

The shocking comment came in connection with an interview with the website Axios. Journalist Jonathan Swan grilled the former cricket champion about the ongoing “rape epidemic” in Pakistan.

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Among other things, Khan says in the interview that if the degree of temptation in society increases in scope, it will have consequences.

– Do you think that the way women are dressed has any effect, and that it is part of this temptation? asks the Axios journalist.

– If a woman dresses with very little clothing, it will have an impact on the man unless they are very robust. It is general knowledge, Khan said in the interview.

The Prime Minister did not elaborate on what he meant by “very little clothing”. The vast majority of women in Pakistan are conservatively dressed.

– Makes my heart shudder

A dozen women’s rights groups are now demanding an apology from the prime minister.

– This is dangerously simplified and only reinforces the general perception in the public that women are “knowing” victims and men are “helpless” attackers, reads a joint statement.

Women’s rights activist Kanwal Ahmed has the following crystal clear message on Twitter:

“It makes my heart shudder to think how many rapists feel validated (recognized / validated editor’s note) with the prime minister supporting their crime.”

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– Defender of rape

The vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N), Maryam Nawaz, goes to great lengths to accuse Khan of being a defender of rape, and that people who validate rape have the same mindset and attitude as the rapists themselves. Maryam Nawaz is the daughter of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.

The statement also triggered the mobilization of planned protests in cities such as Karachi and Lahore this weekend.

Khan has previously advised women to “cover up” to prevent rape.

Pakistan is a country with a strong code of honor where the woman’s position in the family is suppressed. Women who bring shame on the family can be subjected to acts of violence and, in the worst case, murder.

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Only 0.3 percent are convicted

There are at least eleven daily rape reports in Pakistan and over 22,000 rapes that have been reported to the police in the last six years, according to official figures released by the website The News.

But only 77 rape defendants have been convicted, which is as little as 0.3 percent of the total number of rape reports.

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