Dune is a long-awaited adaptation of the well-known sci-fi novel by writer Frank Herbert. This time, it was undertaken by Denis Villeneuve and created a two-and-a-half-hour drama about power struggles involving control of the planet Arrakis, a source of rare spices. Villeneuve cast Timothée Chalameta, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Jason Momou, Josh Brolin and Javier Bardem.
The second place does not change either. In the action film Venom 2: Carnage Comes, Tom Hardy returns as a well-known comic book character, along with Michelle Williams, Woody Harrelson, Naomie Harris, Stephen Graham, Reid Scott and Laurence Spellman.
In third place is the documentary Karel directed by Olga Malířová Špátová, and fourth is Addams’s Family 2, another American animator about a haunted family.