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Ranking Apple in Spain: Top 10 of the 10 favorite podcasts today Sunday, December 05

We have never had so much audiovisual offer at our fingertips as today. But a downside arises: it is no longer easy to find content that suits our interests. Users of Apple we usually go easy and aim for what’s new.

But there is life beyond, as this internet streaming platform offers its subscribers a list of your 10 most popular podcasts, so that it is easier to choose them.

There are a wide variety of topics, all with exciting stories. For sure, you will spend many hours looking at your hearing aids. Know what others are listening to and enjoy the best that we have available for you. We’ll tell you then:

1. Stretching the gum

Presented by Carolina Iglesias and Victoria Martín

2. The Great Match of COPE

From Monday to Friday with Juanma Castaño from 11:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. the best sport in COPE. It summarizes the sports news, bringing together the protagonists of the news.

3. Nobody knows anything

Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero sit face to face, micro by micro, and improvise. What can go wrong? The humor of these two geniuses is gold for your ears. Open them well that, deep down, nobody knows anything.? Live on Cadena Ser on Saturdays at 12:00 and at any time if you subscribe.

4. It happens that it is not little with Nieves Concostrina

A history lesson with a lot of humor. Learn about the anecdote behind each anniversary thanks to Nieves Concostrina’s podcast. Live at La Ventana from Monday to Thursday at 7:00 p.m. and at any time if you subscribe.

5. Twenty-odd Hour

Satirical newscast of Cadena Ser presented by Héctor de Miguel. Much current, less journalism. Monday to Thursday at 8:45 p.m.

6. Deformed Weekly Ideal Total

Deforme Semanal Ideal Total is the radio show in which Isa Calderón and Lucía Lijtmaer will reel off their particular vision of contemporary life and culture with laughter, redundant explanations and, ultimately, everything you need to know in a whole hour just for you. In addition, each program will have an exceptional guest.

7. The ruin

Tomàs Fuentes and Ignasi Taltavull comment and judge the worst anecdote of the people who come from the public to the program. The most miserable story wins a prize.

8. The story is yesterday

Find out how a 16th century brick got ahead of Ikea and how VHS was the precursor to Netflix. Travel thousands of years in time excavating a few meters of earth, learn what humans do not dare to say by digging through their garbage. The archaeologist Alfredo González Ruibal accompanies us on this journey to the depths of the human condition.

9. The Wild Project

EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NEW EPISODES. Welcome to THE WILD PROJECT, Jordi Wild’s podcast. News, sports, talks with the most interesting guests, science, anecdotes and curiosities, debates, philosophy, psychology, mystery, terror … and much more. Every week speaking clearly and fearlessly about the world around us. Do not miss it!

10. It’s Federico’s Morning

The usual morning, now on esRadio. Federico drives the mornings with his usual collaborators. Information and opinion.

Do you already know which is the platform with the best podcast offer? Apple, of course!

Now, its intention is that users in Spain know its most popular offer. Thus, they will be able to get an idea of ​​the ones that best suit their tastes and will recommend them to their friends.

Tune in to our channels to keep up to date with the best in Spain.

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