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Ramsey Nasr lashes out at Mark Rutte | Stars

entertainment">VVD leader Rutte stated in a tweet on Friday that the Netherlands supports Israel’s right to self-defense. He does not mention the Palestinians in his report. This resulted in a storm of criticism, including from the left-wing opposition.

entertainment">“Hi Mark! Just a quick note to say you’re a bastard – if that’s all you have to say about the devastation and massacre taking place in Gaza, ”Nasr writes on Facebook. “Being friends with Israel is your right. This is not to trivialize ethnic cleansing: it is called cooperation. Greetings, Ramsey. ”

One-sided tweet

entertainment">Nasr isn’t alone in being upset about the message. The SP, GroenLinks, DENK and BIJ1, among others, condemned the, in their eyes, very one-sided tweet posted by the Rutte.

entertainment">Violence in the Gaza Strip has rapidly escalated in recent days. The radical Palestinian movement Hamas fired hundreds of rockets from Gaza at Israel. That in turn bombs targets in Gaza. In recent days, 120 were killed on the Palestinian side and eight Israelis lost their lives.

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